Thursday, April 11, 2013

What's in a name? Everything,if that name is JesusI

          In the middle ages if a King was to make or send a decree throughout his kingdom he would set a seal to it with a wax seal of his signet ring.  Then everyone would know it was of the king's authority.  No questions asked.  The mark of the King was I'm sure widely recognized through the kingdom as his and his alone.  Even the illiterate would recognize it as that of his sovereign.
     Recognition is the key to understanding authority, in any kingdom or any government.  When is the last time you were pulled over for a traffic violation.  Heart in the throat, right away? Why? Because we know and recognize that authority is about to be revealed to us in either an unpleasant manner or maybe we are confidant we are compliant with that authority and have..."no worries."  So what's in the name of Jesus?  And  why was Peter commanded not to speak any longer in that name while preaching the gospel of good news?
     Because for three years it carried proven results of a certain authority that wreaked havoc with the current authorities and turned them upside down.  A new King had appeared and had taken over in a most unlikely way!  Riding upon a donkey and with humility, no evidence of pride evident he banded together a group of men and began to expound to them a" kingdom not easily seen."
     They must have recognized and reasoned that this man had authority to do what he was doing and they were compelled to follow him.  They walked with him and were direct witness to his authority in this world.
     These are the things that name has done;
                                    Resurrection of Lazarus
                                    The blind seeing & the lame walking
                                    Healing the broken hearted
                                    Calming stormy seas
                                    Delivering Legion of spirits
                                    Healing the Centurion's daughter
                                    Fortelling his death and resurrection
                                    Promising the Holy Spirit & delivering it on Pentecost
                                    and on the list goes for many more events listed in the New Testament.
     Why then do we suffer the things we do if we have an advocate for us?  It is because we are mixed in a world with many authorities and have not recognized the true King.  We are still limited yes in what we can and do in our world and subject to authorities around us that Jesus commanded we obey.  To a point.  When it becomes clear that we are violating a supreme God's authority then get ready for a heart in the throat experience!.. Maybe it will not be today or even ten years, but it will come. A review of the Old Testament's writings would possible help in seeing a God's judgement on world events then.  Ninevah repented and so was spared wrath. However 200 years later it was destroyed for the very same thing it had repented for before.
     We still live in a day of grace and our knowledge of  history bears out the fact that there was a man named Jesus.  Every now and then when I go into a supermarket and look at tabloids, there with all the nonsense, I see Time magazine with the face of a man (Jesus) with an absurd title; Who was this man?  
                                                  Do we still not recognize the King?

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