Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Hearing in The Dark

    We were all around the Master. The fire was glowing, the wood crackling softly, throwing a glow out into the woods. It was quiet.  No one else was around.  He began to speak.  "What you are about to hear, now in this place, just us and in the dark, proclaim tomorrow in the daylight."  "The words I speak, are washing words, you are now my friends, no longer servants."  So go and carry with you no scrip, no bags, no extra cloaks or food,  for sufficient for the day are the problems of that day."
   So we listened, enraptured, captured by his word.  We put them away in our hearts for we knew the power of his word.  Just the day before we watched him still the waters, as we were all afraid of being overturned in our boat.  "What kind of man was this.?   People said.  We knew...  he is Lord.
     Private places and private words he spoke in the darkness.  Parables one after another came at us confusing us, making us marvel at his word and who he was.  Just 12 of us, and we were to "go into all the world."  Well the world to us was local. Family, friends, villages, and they did not listen to us at all.  
                                        "Who then would?  Will you?   Will they?  

Listen carefully, in the secret place...................in the quiet you will hear him.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Master's Hand;

     Do not worry, do not be afraid, do not let your hearts be sorrowful, and do not worry about tomorrow.   These are the words that are comforting in a climate where change is rapid, and mirrors the same climate as in the days of Jesus, and the Roman Empire.  The "Master", as he was called, spoke these words to his friends now called because, they listened to him, took in his words and applied them out of love and respect to the one who showed himself to be master and Lord over all.  So these words had power and meaning and were to be obeyed.  lt's hard to do considering that change is thrust upon us sometimes unwillingly, and makes us uncomfortable.  We like status quo, that is events that are easily managed and within our grasp.  At least I do.  The Master or Rabbi, was more than teacher or a good man as some intimated.  "Why do you call me good?"  He asked.  " No one is good, except God."  Was the answer.  If you missed that then you missed the humble and contrite Spirit exemplified in Christ.  He would not equate his human qualities as equal with God's or his Father's. Although he often spoke of his being "before Abraham and , I Am." as being qualitatively God.
     The Jews were enraged over this because they could not wrap their legal minds around and incarnate God, who was weak, suffered in the flesh, and died.  Impossible?  God cannot die!
    So if Jesus resurrected as he said he would, ? "Destroy this temple, and in three day I will raise it up again.  'Preposterous said the Jews', 70 years it took to build it.  " An you can raise it up in three days?"
      Find out for yourself.........The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, will raise you also.....when you are filled with it.    This is not a simple believers prayer but comes with a repentant heart to obey.....as a friend and disciple of the MASTER.
SO TODAY, DO NOT WORRY....ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE BIG .......trump.(note how small the letter are.)