Sunday, July 10, 2016

Rebuttal To Death in Black and White by Michael Eric Dyson

       It is obvious in reading this article by Michael E. Dyson he is greatly hurt by the "death leading to more death, which no one would ever hope for."
       While I and the world take a wait and see posture for the revelations of the incidents to be truly revealed, so as not to jump on a bandwagon of hatred and join one cause over and against another. ( regarding the car shooting and pinning shooting) not the sniper,  I must also say I am a white American so I guess according to Michael Dyson I was born with "binoculars" that see black life from a distance."  Yes I must admit I do not travel in the culture of the african american community.  The only contact is with friends with whom I work with in an established atmosphere where we perform jobs for pay and so work with one another and along the way become friends regardless of skin color.   Isn't that the way anyone gets to know anyone? By rubbing shoulders?  Being close and finding the similarities of one another more binding than the differences?
    I am afraid that Michael Dyson has stoked within his writings some lothing for the whiteness of our culture (those who are white) but narrows the field considerably of those who feel genuine sorrow at the hands of those in authority who have committed grave errors in judgement while given great authority to police the populations of all colors.  "Whiteness is blindness. It is the wish not to see what it will not know."  (NY Times Jul. l0 2016)  I for one do not believe in his statement "If police must kill us for no good reason, then so be it because most of us are guilty anyway."
      Hogwash I say and with a certainty. I do not believe anyone is guilty except that their actions betray them and that is where justice should lie.  Not in anything else.  Yes this country has been founded on a white race, from England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Poland, etc, etc, but also on the African American .  Yes slavery is a terrible stain on our history but advances have been made, it is always within select groups of the non-enlightened that withhold the forward motion of any society.

    " Your whiteness has become a burden too heavy for you to carry, so you outsource it to a vile political figure ( I guess Trump) who amplifies your most detestable private thoughts."  We do not all subscribe that vile political figure. I and many, many others disdain the very thought of such a person coming into an office of dignity who says and does vile things.
     Now in the matter of moving on what about forgiveness?  What about the moral centeredness we as a nation have lost?  Those who are indeed a self centered, ego centrist and concerned with only their immediate needs, the insulated nature of this country has eroded and produced within us a less giving desire unless as in 9-11 we come together over a united horror.
     Forgiveness is a central theme in Christianity.  Without it we all would be condemned.  "Mercy triumphs over judgement" and so I hope mercy will prevail and those who need forgiveness will indeed receive it.  If in the actions of those who weild authority they have been proven too young and too un-tested in such situations I pray that new and abiding training go a long way in stopping these deaths. I also pray that Mr. Michael E. Dyson take and attitude of humbleness and not serve to inflame that which is already inflamed.  But in the likes of Martin Luther King, reserve judgement, resist evil, and don't play into hands that will undermine a genuine cause of  Black Lives Matter.
        I am one who believes in a higher "citizenship" one of a heavenly nature overseen by a just God.  We live in an imperfect world filled with all kinds of people of different ideas, cultures, and backgrounds woven together in a unique society called American.  It is different but not unlike the Roman times when if in a "conquered" culture you could still be a citizen of Rome... Witness the Apostle Paul unjustly cuffed and jailed for simply believing something else rather than the Roman Gods.or...the Jews who constantly tried to entrap him.  They be-headed him unjustly....

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