Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Informant

     I was tasked to watch and gather any information I could. Damaging information.   Everywhere he went so did I.  For two whole weeks I trailed behind just a little blending in with his followers and the crowds who followed his man.  Often I was skeptical of what was happening.  Not so much of what he did, the sooth-sayers did the similar things but it was always a  sham. No, it was what he was saying.  I saw healings, saw what some would call miracles, saw Lepers, prostitutes, Lawyers, and even Roman soldiers and just about every class there was come to listen to this man.  And I could find no wrong in what I saw. I was supposed to get the dirt and inform on him. I was to be the "false witness" against him for the temple Priests, and especially the High one.  Given a lot of silver ahead of time to do this I now had nothing. Nothing but a witness of his good works.  How could I get him.....I would wait a little longer. 
     One month has gone by and I still had not much to report back with.  It seemed that I was going to have to give back all that silver.  The crowds were increasing daily as news about what he was doing spread person by person, town by town.  He was nearly thrown off a cliff in one town all because he had shown them the error of their thinking. But he got away unharmed.  It was always the religious too who were incensed about what he said.  I myself found it amusing and somewhat interesting the more I listened from afar.  He had some kind of hold on people I did not understand.  He was forceful yet not condemning . He was intense yet also merciful more than anyone I had met in my life.  And he spoke of the Kingdom at hand now here in the present, and acted on it in ways that surely made me question all that I was told up to now.  But that was all still an aside.  I had something to accomplish. 
     I found it in his last sermon........he claimed he could forgive sin!   That was the hook!  I knew from my earliest days in Synagogue, that could not be true, only God could do that...........I had my in........and my way to discredit him.....I would be paid after yet I felt sickened inside like never before.

Thursday, October 26, 2017


moving towards perfection
I shed my infection
covered from above
its true, im really loved
if I may be so bold
im not getting old
im turning towards perfection
from the ones direction
and invisible cue
and im on my way
my earths done stay
im moving away