Thursday, November 22, 2018

me and my dog

Happy t day. walking along on a quiet cul-de-sac my dog and I and enjoying a moment alone.  The woods surrounding our street smell fresh with the remains of a slowly melting snowfall last week. My neighbors are  sitting on the pavement cuddling their pet turkey.  AAH!  While most of the nation is eating  another turkey for dinner!   What a  nice difference , peace! 

Monday, November 19, 2018

But to you who are listening...

     "Though seeing, they will not see, though hearing they will not hear."  Jesus spoke in parables to those he deemed "not hearing or seeing."  Something in their hearts was limiting them from open eyes and open ears,and  in their current  condition they were unable to get what Jesus was saying.  To those who were actually listening, it required an openness of heart and a willingness to consider something new.  That is what it takes to begin the journey in the Christian walk.
     Those who came to Jesus, in his day were those who were the poor, diseased, sinners, blind and deaf and also those with impure spirits.  Jesus was compassionate, always, willing to accommodate these people.  However, in the synagogue the day he began his ministry, he read from the scroll of Isaiah...."this day this scripture Is fulfilled in your hearing."  He announced that he was the one Isaiah was talking about, and it caused quite a stir among those assembled.  For he said he came to deliver.. the blind, the lame, the weak and the poor.  And he further said not many were saved in the days of Elijah when famine and drought came upon them but to only a widow. All because a prophet in not accepted in his own hometown. 
     Jesus is so much more than a Prophet.  He is the way, truth, and the life.  All these attributes lead to life.  If we listen, and do according to his commandments to Love one another, unconditionally.  Accept those you might deem unworthy at first meeting and cease to wrangle with those who might differ in thought.  And be willing to give an account of the good news, "within" that Jesus died for.