Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The most amazing thing is happening....

    What it means to me to be a Christian; Its not total Doctrinal  Theology, its not tribalism. Its  not Evangelicalism. Its not even "Church"  that is housed in a building frequented weekly by the faithful.  Its a myriad of these things and so much more. Christianity is a complex faith.  Sometimes its political, conservative, liberal, giving, and not giving, observing and being observed.  To observe the faith is to abide in Christ, always and for the lifelong pursuit in pleasing God.  Once smitten then  one begins to grasp just what it is that has gotten  placed inside of us.  For we become changed and are being changed throughout our Christian experience.  If we are not then we are stagnant, and 'must ask the question...are we doing this right? And this is not a works issue versus faith issue  but and ongoing inward looking and examining ourselves in light of The Word of God and what it proclaims about itself and those who join the dance. 
     For to be like Christ is to obey which is, it is said "better than sacrifice."  In hearing and obeying, we listen carefully daily, to what it is that the day requires of us.  Prayer is immensely important, as it stills the inward self and prepares us to be in tune with Spiritual governance that we do not readily see with our eyes or perceive with our senses. 
     Christianity prepares us for the after.  A place that Christ promised had many rooms, I.e, is a very large place.  I has to be considering the millions that have gone before and those who will come after us.  It also prepares us in this now "Kingdom" right here on Earth.  When Jesus came the Kingdom of God came close to men.  And split forevermore our understanding of the Spiritual and the Earthly.  We must be Earthbound to be able to fulfill the needs here and now, (feeding the poor, standing for justice, when our government does not, protecting the aliens, the lost, and the young and aged.  All of these types of needs were ministered to by Jesus himself for a short three years of his adult ministry.  And then the Apostles took over and so now do we, two thousand years later.  We are part of a mystery, as Paul so gracefully preached. And yet in the fullness of time, new revelation was opened to all, and not just the Israelites.  The vail was rent in half top to bottom and we have access through the Holy Spirit to the God of the Universe. 
     Christianity is Quantum.  Here and there all at the same time.  Christianity is loving, being loved, forgiving, and being forgiven, giving and receiving grace to those we meet and those we hope to.  I have found disappointment within, due to the abuses and misunderstanding of organized religion, And I have found uncommon grace with the unbelieving who at times are more attuned to correct values, and are more Christian than those who claim Christ.  So It is like a diamond with many facets.  Some shine brilliant. Some yellow, some bright white.  And yet it is like a lump of clay worked and reworked until the master sees what he likes.   