Saturday, June 1, 2019

A broken gate:


   The gate is broken and  wide open. Those within have wandered out, and have become lost. There is no leader, and if there is one, they are blind.  Nature puts us to shame. There is a oneness to the birds of the air, as they fly in unison, patterns in the sky that show a cohesion, a turn right and they all turn as if one. Bees, work seemingly as one, diverse in jobs to be accomplished, but with singular vision. On the plains of Africa, Wildebeasts thunder beating the ground, as they migrate on their way to new and fresh feeding  grounded.  We are not so. We are a splintered, individualistic people.  Helpless.....A good leader rises up we follow, another rises up not so good, we follow, an horrendous one rises up and some follow, gain power and wreak havoc on those without.  Again the gate is broken open wide, and we have streamed out all over the lands on our own, making our own way.
     We have not the abundant life we so desperately seek on a daily basis.  Instead we have malice, anger, hatred of one another and most of all ....pride that prohibits us from repentance, brokenness, and that leads to a sorrow that will release the balm to see, he had it all, and he shared it in super abundance while here on our Earth.  We do what we do not want to do, and do not do what we want...."Romans."  The voice crying in the wilderness, cries out today still in many Churches across this nation, yet there is a streaming out of those broken gates as well.  As leaders lose the singular vision, of Christ, in search of the many things instead to satisfy the itchy ears of congregations wanting something new every week.  I have been in it and have eaten its fruit.  The lasting power of Christ is this....never taking our  eyes off of him who led many to eternal life with the promises and action proven effectual throughout countless generations.....because he was the only perfect leader who could.  Leading us out of our destructive and  lonely nature.   He is and has been our helper, if we can follow even in the divisive times we live in.  The abundant life may not be what you think it is. But it is this..........We resist our own selves......the conflictions within that war, and we realize it is a daily process that leads to  a more perfect future.  And while here on this Earth, the Kingdom of God has indeed come.....We must apprehend it, our salvation is not being slave to this world or our selves or even to authorities evil in our time.  Surely we can make proper judgement on who to follow......Peace.