Saturday, October 12, 2013

What is it That Makes Sense To You?

     Ever try and make sense of just what it is in our world that does not make sense?  We live in a very complicated world.  Now more than ever with the advent of media at our fingertips we have the ability to plug into almost anything, anywhere at once.  We can see events unfold immediately somewhere 3000 miles away and empathize with world events the same as with a neighbor 10 feet way.  We can feel the sorrow of those less fortunate that we, who hunger, and thirst for the very things we take for granted.  Clothing should not be a luxury nor food to eat.  But nevertheless we see these things and long for closure to end suffering.  Sometimes the things we do are not enough on the grand scale of life's needs.
   However do not despair, there is one who came before us who understands this condition and met all of the needs of our current dilemma. Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Though he walked only three years among us in bodily form he was foremost in ministering to our needs.  Food, healing, wisdom, comfort and many other attributes he manifested among us and showed the way to a greater understanding of our humanity.  If we consider the way that Christianity is ministered today we can become sick at heart because there are so many basic principles that are lost in the way churches minister.  Salvation, atonement and repentance are just three of the very basic principles that Jesus taught that sometimes get lost by the wayside and replaced by programs, seeker churches and prosperity doctrines that are more prevalent in churches and more focused upon than our innate  human need to fill our spirit.   
     If we consider just the particulars of what we need, food, clothing, shelter, and our redemption from our sins that estranged us from our God, then we can realize that all of the other things that complicate our lves are extraneous.   Yes in America we are blessed to have many comforts other nations do not have,  but what is our responsibility on a daily basis?  To love our neighbor as ourself, to love our enemies. to feed the poor and visit the sick and those imprisoned.  When we have done these things Jesus said. "You have done it unto me." " No greater love hath a man than this that he lay his life down for his brother. " We can be assured of these things of the future,. We will inherit a kingdom with out spot or wrinkle and without tears.  A new heaven and earth is promised for those who believe.  This belief need not be complicated at all.  It is we who complicate the truth.  For us to enter in is to enter into it as with faith as a child.  Innocent and wondering full of curiosity of the things we do not readily understand.  As in " A Leap of Faith, In the Indiana Jones movie when he crosses a  unseen bridge.  That bridge for us is in Jesus Christ and one that will never disappoint.  indiana-jones-and-the-last-crusade-900252544.jpg (1000×1500)

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