Friday, December 20, 2013

Defying Caesar's decrees: There is another king!

     They are all defying Caesar’s decree saying that there is another king, one called Jesus.”When they heard this, the crowd and the city officials were thrown into turmoil.
     The commander of the Guantanamo Bay naval base decided Wednesday to move Nativity scenes from two dining halls following complaints that the decorations improperly promoted Christianity.
"They are terrified. Right now, there is a witch hunt going on to find out who did this," said Weinstein, a former Air Force lawyer who said the troops wanted to remain anonymous.
"By placing these displays in prominent common areas, the impression is that one faith is better than others and that the military institution singularly promotes Christianity," said the email, provided to The Associated Press by the organization without the names of the senders.
The senders said they put up with a great deal of hardship in their jobs, including having bodily fluids hurled at them by prisoners, and should not be made uncomfortable on their time off.
But other Jews were jealous; so they rounded up some bad characters from the marketplace, formed a mob and started a riot in the city.
     Let's compare notes!  Today we have this story headlined in the NY times suggesting persecution of sorts in that a display of the Nativity was aggressively promoting Christianity and not respecting others.  Lets look at this seriously...these are only representations of people who lived 2000 years ago.  It represents the birth of Christ.  Was there proselytizing going on? People to people? The article did not say so.  Could people think what they chose concerning the Nativity? Yes I think adults have the capacity to think for themselves.  But because of the power behind the Nativity and the IDEAS therein lies the problem.  
     Look at the trouble Paul stirred up when he began preaching the very gospel he used to persecute others for.  There is a behind the scenes spiritual power play going on every day for the fight for truth.  Even in the ridiculous.  Does Satan fear the name of Christ? You bet!  So it will always be repressed on every front on every battlefield so that there is a blackout of truth.  Funny though it was such a threat considering it is within a military compound of the world's strongest military that holds Muslim prisoners........though extremists in their own right. If in fact the MRFF Military Religious Freedom Foundation was correct in adhering to free and democratic principles as denoted by the Constitution and the founding fathers intention to separate church and state issues for fear of duplicating in this country what England tried to enforce, should mere viewing of the Nativity invoke such turmoil?  Surely Paul went to Prison and his death for more weighty matters. Such is American Christianity.  nativity_set.jpg (1284×771)

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