Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Skin deep, bone deep, "The Law"

      Pardner! This here town ain't big enough for you n' me.  I'm the Sherrif here and your breakin the law!  The old west themes of rough and ready sherrifs, Wyatt Earp vs. the Clantons... the O.K. corral and right vs might.  Law prevails.
     Robin Hood steals from the rich and gives to the poor, a law unto himself reversing the role, the Sherrif of Nottingham who is himself a law unto himself and is unjust and corrupt.

"Off with her head," says King Henry the Vlll, as he merrily executes his 1st wife in defiance of the Pope and makes the Church his own The Church of England. Self rule over God's.

Judge Roy Bean of the old west rules with a rope, hanging those he deems unfit and law breaking. Justifying his actions with swift and cruel justice.

The United States is a Democracy and the largest in the modern world, a country where "the rule of law" is held high.  Ingrained from birth we obey laws until the day we die some ambigous, some we don't even know exist. Speed in your car get a ticket, park in the wrong place pay a fine.  Emminent Domain....here's a foggy one.. you can lose your home to a large corporation if it's in the interest of 'progress' or a highway going thru.

     Skin deep and bone deep are the laws we live with daily. So how come the invisible ones the ancient ones go unheeded?  Ones that set morality in the heart, are they moveable, shiftable at our convienence?  Are they  the ones to shift at a moment's notice for our own self interest?  Do they infact convict anymore to influence the course of individuals lives to stay a true course?  Wall Street, big banking, Enron, mortgage and hedge fund managers all stuffed with people who were tempted to stray with the delusions of not getting caught. Morals that slid into "off limits zones of conduct but nevertheless they went anyway.  Thousands  were affected by those who used sub par standards to lend money to those who could not afford it.  This country bankrupted and millions left without jobs, income and homes.   Did they suffer?  You bet. Is the average person stung wary and maybe a little scared? Yes.  Can we even trust elected officials anymore to carry out what once was an honorable position to hold? Elected office was designed to represent the common  people.
     Only a few short years ago this country went all out for hope....in a man many thought would change things only to have suffered setback after setback with partisan squabbling all played out in the nations media outlets.  End runs around congress were made and necessary because men would not give to one another. Our legislators or" law makers" stuck in neutral for years to frustrate one another's agendas.  While those who work 9-5 faithfully  toil daily day after day hoping that things like the ones mentioned don't rock the boat of their lives.
      Law exists Pauls says to  "show the strength of sin", in otherwords it magnifies our weakness in doing the right thing.  Blood of goats and bulls could never cover transgression of the law.  Only grace as it is poured out from Christ covers us, redeems us and makes things "right".

     In all of 6,000 years of law one event stands paramount above all others............Forgiveness of our law breaking (sin) and of going our own way.....
      13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who  obey the law who will be declared righteous. 

     1415 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, 

                    (The Gentiles)  or anyone who takes a stand morally  were not under the law..................but were a law unto themselves..........

leo-cullum-judge-says-to-defendant-ignorance-of-the-law-is-no-excuse-defendant-r-cartoon.jpg (473×355)

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