Tuesday, August 5, 2014


     The rising of the sun gives light, the striking of lightning the brightest of all, the turning of a lightbulb in a darkened house, all these give us the ability to see.
     The rising of Christ?... From a darkened tomb should be the brightest light of all!  But in these days so many object to the notion that there is only one God.  Why does there have to be many? And not only one?
It is because of deception and deception at it's best!   And who is that one God?  It has been preached 2000 plus years since his crucifixion. Six thousand years since our falling.   We know who he is and the great story of what he has done.  He is the deliverer.  And why do we  need one?  Because without him we are so far from what we should have been.  Death, destruction, confusion, loneliness and emptiness are maladies that follow us even in the richness of the times we live in.  Never before in the history of humanity has there been so many breakthroughs of science and technology yet there remains a trememendous gap in the fulfilment of our lives lived.  Easy living with plush cars that deliver us in luxury to our jobs and ferry us home again with the  sounds of our favorite music pulsating in our ears as we drive.  Super sized refrigerators six feet plus tall in (some)  of our homes keep cold all the foods we can consume and then those we stock for our future kept locked away in basements frozen to temperatures to -20 F.  Yet with all these niceties we can have in this country along with them come the uncomfortable truths that still something is amiss.  Our hearts are dry and empty and our children hope for the true touch of heartfelt relationships.  Jobs we hold do not mean happiness, (though some manage it all of their lives.)  others bounce from place to place and from situation to situation all in the hopes of fulfilment of the heart.   There is nothing physical in this word absent the presence of a God that will fill this place.  Why do so many try so many different spiritual experiences?  Why are some places in this country magnetic in their atmosphere and draw people from all over in the hopes of finding that particular place of enlightenment?  Roswell draws sci-fi, the boonies draw bigfoot, Salem might draw Witch hunters and Ghost chasers!  There is a point to all of this.  People want answers.
     Only the one answer that is to be found  is rejected as foolishness and too simple.  Crucifixion was not simple.  Walking for three years constantly in rejection harrassment and chided as maybe...crazy and taunted by the very leaders he wanted to show truth too is not easy and simple. Living on purpose with twelve men who never quite got who he was until he died and who squabbled over position in the future kingdom of God and who constantly had to have their faith renewed over and over again was not easy.  And finally deserted and betrayed  with a kiss he was mauled, spit at and hung up for all to see with spikes driven into feet and hands until he was dead.  The intensity of the mortal pain suffered along with the emotional pain knowing his mother and friends had to watch his suffering was unbearable. Most of all ...Eli, Eli Sabachthani!   

                                          My God, My God,Why have you forsaken me!

 If God forsook his only son for only that moment in time, then we too are forsaken in our knowledge of him and lost of that knowledge,  that is until we accept that he is the ONLY ONE.  And the good gospel still being (correctly) preached by the hearing of the word saves us from ourselves and reconciles us back to the one who Fathered us.  royalty-free-hands-clipart-illustration-48492tn.jpg (130×175) He beckons us................

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