Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Simple Matter of Recognition:

     " For we cannot do anything against the truth (Insert Jesus), but only for the truth. (Insert Jesus)
So these are the words of Paul in his second letter to those unruly Corinthians to exhort them to proper living.  Paul at length defends his minisrty of Apostleship because of those "super apostles" who must have been going about preaching a different gospel than the one they received from Paul and Titus and "other brothers Paul had sent to encourage then in their faith.  While they did indeed receive the true gospel they were at risk because they had slipped in their understanding ot the basics of the Gospel.  From sexual impurity, to court cases, and tolerating those who took unfair advantage of them, they now were at doubts with Paul.  Because they said., "he is strong in his letters to us" while away but weak and unimpressive here, they were to say in our language "dissing him."  Paul had previous to this letter, had made sincere writing on his love in chapter (13) 1st Cor. on what the crux of his Gospel really was.  It was not in boasting, it was not in spiritual giftings, or of prophecies or of being something he was not.  So in defense he boasted "as a fool" in his heritage, his giftings, and his beatings and of sufferings to shame them into sobriety.  He wanted them to know of the depth of the suffering was for their sakes.  And of the furtherance of the Gospel.  So we who are  the "off spring of centuries of faith" must not  be in the place of doing something or representing that  which is against the truth (Jesus). To be sure there are traditions followed by men incorporated in Churches, doctrines that need not be there that cause division  and even spiritual death to those who are not wise enough to recognize them.  They are indeed subtle.
     The people that were involved in the "Word of LIfe Church" (NY State) beating of a teenager to death, how could they do that?!!! To their own child?  How could the devil so easily influence such a state of mind as to deceive them into this horrendous state?
    I will tell you.  It came cloaked in darkness, masquerading as "light."   The Devil presented a topic of "witchcraft" which is an abomination to God as written in the Old Testament, and so those who took a "righteous" stand with God thought they were doing the work of God!!!%%%##$$...
     Mercy it is written triumphs over judgement.   If it were not the heart of God we would not be saved and Christ would not have risen from the dead to be our savior and our sins woul never have been forgiven.  As  one who has received tremendous forgivness from Christ I was also in the midst of a fellowship  for many many years that was lacking in a certain kind of forgiveness and love.  Yes there was an outpouring of the Spirit and of salvation to those who repented but, and I say BUT, there in the midst of it was subtle determination to draw lines of distinction between "Us and Them" or the world or any other Church that did not meet certain standards and consequently there was a judgement in the house of God,( pronounced by men) "Not God" So it was in the case of that Word of LIfe Church.   Harsh judgement, leading to death lacking  in mercy and love.  A simple recognition..........a warning to those who follow but do not see.

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