Thursday, February 4, 2016

Self rebuttal to my own blog; (wife induced!) Theos; continued

     Yesterday's blog was supposed to be a simple way to understand the grace of God. But, I realized after a discussion with my wife, I might offend those with a sense of Pure Orthodoxy and I definitely do not want to do that, so here's another way to look at it....
      The creed of Athanasius was written to refute a  heresy that was creeping into the Church namely Arianism, by one Arius. The Deity of Christ was in Question. So in an effort to understand the Godhead, God the Father, God the Son. and God the Holy Spirit, an attempt to put into words the Deity of God was written down.  It is definitly  wordy and takes a bit of thinking to understand the nature of The Godhead so as not to be considered a heretic.  It was necessary to formulate a "symbolon" which is known as a creed so as to be identified as a Christian and not as one who believed in any of the then belief systems such as Gnosticism, Arianism, Pagansim or any other of the many "isms" that existed in that day that would disqualify one as a True believer.  NO less than 29 synods down through the centuries after A.D. tried to do this.
       Remember that Paul was himself accused of being "out of his mind","your great learning is driving you insane." By King Agrippa. Paul was simply defending the Gospel of good news as presented to him by Jesus by direct revelation.  It was because of his great faithfulness to God  that the  Gentile world was evangelized and we were ingrafted into the knowledge of God.
     Jesus spent three years of his life walking, talking, healing, praying  and  teaching those who would hear, the true nature of God and how to come into the kingdom and what to expect after this life. He was "Imanuel" God with us."  And so it was not supposed to be hard for one to know God.  Orthodoxy is good just like the Law was supposed to be for the Jews, it was a forerunner to Christ, necessary for the morals  men needed to have in order to abide by even though it revealed the "strength of sin" as Paul talks about in Romans.  The way Christ lived his life was to be an example for us and for us to be free of sin because he became sin for us on the cross.  He took the curse of ours we rightly deserved and it was laid upon him.  He then made an open declaration to all powers, principalities both above in the heavenlies and here on Earth. He conquered death! He took captivity captive.  And so" Theos"   was supposed to captivate our hearts and not "knot up our brains" in Theology............................. Peace
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