Saturday, January 28, 2017

Thunder and Clouds on the Horizon


     The lie is out;  In plain sight.  We now have a President governing this country that is a liar and cannot distinguish truth from lies.  Even our media has written and is writing and putting out all of it in front of our eyes.  As I have written before in March of last year and further on in September  I have noted his ways and have spoken of his blasphemy towards not only God "not needing forgiveness" and mocking that which comes against him.  I said is was Spiritual and I still stand by that assessment of our now 45th President. It saddens me to call it out but I fear we have as Dan Rather pointed out " we have entered another reality the Twilight Zone of politics."
     Anything goes it seems that comes out of this man's mouth.  What I see happening is a darkening of our political realm and the levers of power he is about to pull is somewhat frightening.  There are thunder and clouds around us. and not only us , but what about all the other parts of the world he is about to affect?  We should be very aware of this type of  man and what he can do.  Already he disparges free speech and contends that they are the worst people of all those who write what may be the truth about him.  Denial, twisiting, mockery, confusion of thought, these are apparenty the hallmarks shown in plain sight in the first week of his Presidency.  The blocking of countries that may house terrorists  is one thing but I fear that a distinction is coming that will call out Christians as well.  Marking those who are "acceptable", how are we to draw lines of distinction clearly?  What will be the guidlines alone? Religion or tests  of Religiousity?
     Remember only  70 years has past since a regime of Nazizism did that very thing. Eradication of Jews,and all  those the regime branded "unpure."
     Our Constitution grants certain freedoms other countries only dream about. Our inalienable rights our equality and our freedoms will have to be watched more closely say than in generations.  I still remember the resignation of Richard nixon and the anti government feelings of that era.  The Pentagon Papers, the lies of Vietnam and the un pronounced war still are deeply embeded within me.  Watergate will look like kindergarten compared to the cyber warfare we are headed into.  The very thought that our election was influence by Russia and that Hillary Clinton lost the election because of the FBI's untimely disclosure of emails unthinkable even 8 years ago.
     So why do I do what I do every day?   I Pray, and live according to a different set of guidelines.  Guidelines established millenia ago, by a very humble servant, Jesus  Christ.  Words he spoke I have learned to cherish, take in my heart, and live by.  Words the he himself said were "full of the Spirit."  Lifegiving and trustworthy.  If you have not had such an encounter, "make it so in the words"  of Jean-Luc!  Peace.


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