Sunday, June 25, 2017


Oh! What a comfort there is in reading letters from the Apostle Paul.  In Second Timothy, Paul graciously instructs a young Timothy in the ways of truth. A teaching of sound doctrines and a way of life so as to spare him the trials he himself was very familiar with.  There is something very very special in his writing that transcends the centuries even down to our own time if you will let it nourish you.  Paul knows that he is about to be killed and this time no hint of a release from prison is mentioned. Instead all the experiences he has gone through is condensed and given in a Fatherly way to young Timothy.  Warnings about idleness, busy bodies, myth bearers and antagonists who resist the faith and even go so far as to disrupt Paul's ministry.  So we have an account of the one who endured and finally succumbed to death at the hands of the political establishment of the time. So be warned it can happen again, in our time and to us who follow the way, the truth, and the life.  
    But do not weaken in your faith.  Today are the days Paul warned us about.  Lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, and departers from the faith, proud and given to many false teachers who teach "itchy ears."  Stay true to the course, run the race, receive the crown of life, which Christ holds out for you.   Peace be with you!

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