Monday, November 20, 2017

Every body ask, what I do? Everybody ask what you do? I say, What you mean...?

Everybody always ask what you do? I say, what you mean, what I do? I live. That's what I do.  My job is not who I am. I've had many jobs. I say.  If that's so, then I be many things. They say not so, your work, your passion, what is it? I say and laugh, riiiiiight....I do what I can, when I can, you know? Today it's bein a janitor. Yesteryear it was, a cook, tomorrow, who knows, Lord knows, I say, not important to me.  I just live.  Then they look at me sideways, not knowin what to think.  You see they on the other side of the tracks.  And i'm on this side.  I live day by day, year by year, and it all works out.  They stare.  I think they from Mars, they think, i'm lost......but I know.
     I gave up worry long time ago.  It wasn't worth it. Always thinkin, always wrinkled up my brow, got me ulcers young.  And so here I am 85 and still truckin!  They be 60 and dead.......I smile, walk on........

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