Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Mind pics: snapshots

At any given time capture a moment like a camera

while driving in a car a chance to see two on their knees planting and weeding

a garden

peace, green, silent thoughts,

drive along further, scenery changes,

city, noise, sirens, ambulance

hurts, ears, wonder about someone in trouble,

down along the road, a rabbit, white tail, black eyes,

innocence, silence, inward fear, runs...

we pass by,

further on,  red lights, green lights, should I go? should I stay? 

We go...

we've arrived, lots of people, hurrying, self absorbed, fun anticipated....

Movie tonight! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Whose reality?

Verse upon verse

In this mult-universe

Am I really here?

Do I really count?

I really can not converse in this multi-universe

Somethings keeping me here

On this planetary sphere

On this singular plane

I really can’t complain

What I do not see

Stirs a faith in me

For I trust in one

Who is the only one

To live once again

Returned from death’s grim grin

I awake once more

With life filling every pore

What’s this I feel?

My very first meal

Sitting down In simplicity

With a peace, serendipity........

Friday, July 20, 2018

How does God get in? Or in other words...reveal himself to an individual?

          This question is one of those that is foremost on my mind at times.  One, because I have accepted Christ as the one God has chosen through which he makes himself known. And two, because I have grown children that do not yet accept that proposition as I do.  And I want them to.
     So I know that from the New Testament words that by "hearing the word" one has to accept it as truth and then act on it in a very personal way.  The American or Westernized Church has made it at times less than palatable to accept this as truth. Because it has methodically in its methods taken away much of the mystery of a very personal searching and made it  into a methodology instead.  It has formed in its very organized way places of worship to come into and "find God" either by traditional means IE, preaching ( of which I do not condemn) or by meeting numerous Christians at once, say in a mega-church and finding some hopefully common ground.  Most times though, common ground is all but uncommon because of the UN-believers state of being at that time.  The ground has to be fertile for acceptance. That is the rub!
     I am a frustrated Christian I must say!  I have spent the better part of 35 years, (mostly wandering from Church to Church) in hopes of finding  the Gospel presented in a way that is not offensive, programmed, pigeon-holed minded, forcing a square peg into a round hole etc. etc. and I am weary.
    So for the last 9 months I have been in the company of like minded Christians, and exploring the nature of individual walks and experiences of each of us and searching out a better way of behaving and in sharing a faith that is very real. Community based and actionable within our own abilities, and of course Gods. 
     I was very young when I began questioning the very nature of who I was, where I belong and like Pilate, to finding out the answer to "what is truth?'  
    For me it was the age of 24 when I was greatly surprised.  
     Believing in Christ is difficult.  I say this because there is not a single way to come to him that is preferred over  another. Except that one has to realize the cost, the totality, of one's surrender, and the extended journey until one's death!  It definitely does not revolve on a single admission and recital of a simplistic prayer many endorse.  It is heavy, it is, responsible, logical, exhaustive in it's requirements and yet filled with abandoned  joy when it does happen. That is the wonder of it.
    So it with a guarded and hopeful waiting and prayerful too, that I watch out for my children in the hope of revelation.  How will this come about? I have no idea.
     There are so many ideologies out there that call to us and each one representing a possible spiritual renewal of some sort that can divert a truth.  And this may divert for years.....until fertile ground is met with a truthful seed!   
    So in my short journey the last nine months I have been pleasantly surprised at the stories and depth of character I have found that waters my soul and keeps me persevering.  I do not disdain the Church at large because it is the working of God and a  counter culture to harmful beliefs. Woe, that the harmful beliefs come disguised as a Church! And do serious harm instead of a Gospel of "Good News."
     I fear that things must change within mainline Christianity or there will be a continued exodus of those who are weary and find no God at all within the walls.  
     I submit that over all, preaching a word that is true to form, UN-adulterated, and filled with the Holy Spirit is the way to proclaim the news of a savior that is just as powerful and revealing as the one the disciples encountered.  It is a recipe that needs no new ingredients.  I have hope that my children will find out. I do not think God needs my help to do this other than being prayerful.  And believing that he is much better at it than I!  After all it only took one genuine person who came and shared at a moment when my ground was torn up and  I was receptive and in need of harvesting.   Peace.  
     "Post script.....'I sense the change coming  and  in light of those "Christians" who blindly follow agendas rather than follow truth  and toss aside critical thinking  in favor of and Anti-Christ natured person..........vile, blasphemous, and liar.   Scary....there must be distinction for true followers.' 

Rock hard

Step back and don't look back

Turn around and step on new ground

A pillar of salt is what you'll be

If you return to what you were

Don't lament of things gone by

Just relent and repent

Turn the cheek

And don't repeat

A new man complete.

Sunday, July 1, 2018


     Possibilities exist, and therefore...anything can happen.  So in our lives, we travel in spheres, connecting, UN-connecting  and re-connecting with those close and those far away.  But what about those chance meetings that are a game changer? Life as we knew it, drastically and alter ably changed us and the course we were on.  For example. Thirty plus years ago I was a young and new transplant to a small northern NY town. Also unemployed and untrained in  new beginnings.  So one day, I set out to earn some money the only way I knew and that was cheap labor. I walked the new and unfamiliar streets and chanced upon a Victorian house badly in need of a fall leaf raking cleanup. I knocked on the door,and I had the job, in just a few minutes. After about two hours and a much needed break, I settled on the backyard steps and ate a small lunch and a few minutes later a young man comes by and introduces himself, and says something to the effect...meaning I now had his job!  I don't remember what I replied, but I knew sheepishly I kind felt bad for him. Though he did not know how badly I needed the money.  I was broke. I had no Income and I had come to realize my apartment living was in jeopardy. Eviction was close at hand. I dont remember much of the words between un in those short moments, but I vividly remember his demeanor.  Friendly, calm, sort of peaceful. Much , much different than the way I was feeling.  That stuck with me.
     Fast forward three or so months later, and we met again in a small non_ descript church my girlfriend and I picked out of the yellow pages! (Remember those).
Apparently he had prayed for me, after meeting me and fill In the blanks.
Chance?  Murphy's law, (anything that can happen will happen?)  Anyway suffice it to say, life course altered. I became Christian and so did my girlfriend .I was already a searcher but had rejected many of the Christian things I had been exposed to because I felt it was empty and presented entirely wrong.  This man however was real, sincere, and remarkably   composed for one so young. 
     It was a bitter sweet time because, I lost his friendship due to erroneous doctrines, and he was more or less told to leave. 
    But if not for him, and that chance meeting on a fall day, perhaps my searching would have dragged on for years. We eventually  re_connected, and still remain friends the oldest I  have, and we both remain commited Christians despite some churches that we have found to be wanting.  In other words, the institutions of men, may be flawed as we are as well, but God is faithful.   What he does, he does well!