Wednesday, October 31, 2018

"As long as i live in the tent of this body"

     As  the above scripture above states....we live in a temporary tent.  As hard as it is to fathom this type of thinking I believe it is so. We take it from the Greeks that physical body is everything.  From our westernized  thinking we do all that  we can to promote a physical health and vitality to keep us in the here and now.  But what about the hereafter?  Peter assures us that he is soon to depart this world,as Jesus had told him. And he makes no bones about it and even the language he uses seems uncannily serene!  Wow!  If only we could be as him and accept that fact.  We are really spiritual beings,  engaged in a physical experience. Wrap that around our thinking, and things begin to make sense.  The temporal world is not as real as the spiritual world we are heading to.  Case In  Point.  Think about all of the miracles Jesus performed. They were absolutely mind blowing.  The supernatural always invaded the natural.  Including the pouring out of the spirit on pentecost.  He was showing us something of God's kingdom. A kingdom that has a very different set of physical laws.  Ones that defy , our physical laws here on Earth.  Walking on water, calming the seas,  increasing food ( bread and fish) out of nothing. And healing all manner of ailments and diseases.  So, we are headed to a place that he prepared for us and we better be ready.
     How? By heeding his simple commandments. Love one another as I have loved you. And,  by putting on goodness, knowledge, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection,  And finally love.  If we do these things, Peter assures us we will abide abide and attain the kingdom. Peace.

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