Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Reality bites!


     Ok, let's talk a little about reality today for those of us who claim Christ as Lord and Savior.  We are in the world but not part of it.  So says the scriptures.  And so daily do you find yourself in a kind of alternate reality?  No, not the multi-verse, our singular verse, here and now.  I would call it a double verse.  One is a dark version controlled by "Authorities in high places" bent upon doing everything that they can to subvert this other verse.  The light one.  We as Christians have been translated so to speak,  to think and act in this one.  For Christ has overcome the world, and we must also.  What kind of work environment do you have to face everyday?  One peopled by those filled with apathy, self-interest, negativity, gossip, I could go on, but this is enough to talk about.  Because this in itself is enough to be a constant barrier or thorn in our side to living in the light.
   Case in point.  As a Christian, we are commanded to forgive trespass, and we do.  We are asked by our Lord to do this daily, and for life.  We are also to be  light in the world and resist the temptations to act as we once were, like those with the traits mentioned above.  So when do we have the right to bow out?  And seek a better work environment, less adversity, less hassle, and more light?  I say when you have reached the point of tipping, and no longer make a significant difference where you are.  If at all possible we must balance the scales.  I see a great rise in evil, not only in individuals, but nationally, and globally.  The levels of animosity we have seen in our own two-party system is on display daily.   A large majority , those with "some" Christian leanings have abandoned common sense and have gone over to the "dark"
verse and supported people that demonstrate character that is abhorrent. This is nothing less than deception, and can be nothing else.
     What we carry inside of us is a powerful witness that at some point in human history, something went amazingly right.  The kingdom of God showed up!  It  broke into our world of misery and sorrows and great disappointments and suddenly there was hope.. hope that for thousands of years was lost.  And warfare ensued, and combat was necessary.  Light and dark.....our reality....our battlefield....can you see it?

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