Monday, April 29, 2019


Trajectory: The complete path something follows as a function of  position , momentum and time. Three dimensional mechanics as opposed to quantum mechanics.
     So we here on earth follow those rules, historically, physically, and prophetically  as a function of future time.  We are not static. We are on a course and like it or not, this course is laid out by God...
     Now, over the past year I have listened to many theories, proposed by other, Christians that in some way want to understand where we are going, how we are going and where we end up.  From Calvinist thought, to openness, where we can have influence with God where the future is somewhat known and somewhat unknown.  Calvinism promotes pre-destination those those chosen,and  those not chosen and so forth.  But however we choose to interpret theology, I know with certainty, God is the ultimate last word. 
     If we now can look back on the written word (I'll call it the Bible), you may think differently, we can see the trajectory of history thorough God's eyes and his plan.  The prophets saw many years into the future events to come nations rising and falling, famines, droughts, and wars culminating with invasions and conquered lands, mostly revolving  around Israel but involving nations used by God for judgements.
     We are in the time of the "Gentiles", we have been brought into the dispensation of grace, what was only known at one time to the Jews. Knowledge of God.  We now know too. There can be no excuse not to know how or what God requires. Paul preached that we traded images of the created, animals, stones, trees, and the like and willfully chose them over the un-created God who was certainly known by his works in creation, the heavens, and the beauties of our own Earth. 
 So what I am,getting to is the fact that we are close to times end, because our trajectory is closing in on events in our time of foretold  before we were here. We are passengers on a rocket in time reaching destination or coordinates pre set.  We may have leeway and influence through prayer,to offset some things, but not the  great plan of God.  Jesus asked, " if it is possible, let this cup pass from me."  Even the Son of God, wanted to alter the coming events and horrific judgement that was to be laid on him.  He  chose out of love for us. As Savior.  And as ultimately knowing the outcome  he continued on his trajectory...."Zechariah......In one day  I will remove the sin of the nation's..." 
     So if we can look into the word of God, and see love waxing  cold, nations against one another, famine, floods, brother against brother, we either heed the warnings, or pass it off as nonsense,   You  Choose, what rocket will you be riding on?

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Have you forgotten?

  How many of us have forgotten what life is about? Is it just a career, money, striving?  Is it doing something that as the saying goes " do your own thing" to make you happy?  Well how about considering beauty, in the natural world, hearing the birds sing early in the morning, seeing clouds rest gently on mountainside, listening to a rolling brook as evergreen trees sway in   the cool breeze. These are the things that tie us to creation,that  make us part of the natural order.  Vegetable gardening, feeling and smelling earthen dirt that permeates the nostrils.  Realizing that things do come to an end.  We have forgotten the reality of life's ending, by saturating ourselves with constant voice, technology ever at our grasp, ever intruding upon the moments we should regard more carefully. When was the last time you looked skyward, to gaze upon the perfect symmetry of two ducks flying together. The flock of geese in perfect v  flight in harmony with one another. We are not so.  We are fiercely independent. But sadly tied to societal norms, that ebb away at our deep  need for the spiritual and natural rhythms of life.  What we have gained in technology and connectedness in  social media is superficial in comparison to the depth we really need to experience.  Perhaps we need the  Thoreau's and , Emmerson's , to visit upon us with their social perspectives.  Perhaps dis-engaging from all the terror, political shenanigans and bad news will help drive us in a better direction.  Choose life, and all it's abundance that is still free. It can be found, even in the daily moments we must steal, within the framework of our lives.  Peace.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The disobedience of our time;


         We have run our course.  Time is no longer a benevolent force standing apart from us but rather some kind of encroaching force to be reckoned with.  We see daily and up close, the results of our disobedience to the one we have ignored.  God.  We have become our own masters and heeded none but ourselves and our own inclinations. What we have left behind is some sense of connectedness to be taught how to live and abide in a world with physical and spiritual laws we constantly ignore.
     Case in point, we face a tremendous hurdle in battling the forces of nature unleashed in hurricanes, fires, floods, and drought.  We are unable to combat these forces effectively and save not only  property but lives as well. Tragedy unfolds daily.
     This America we live in is co-opted by our own selves. In an effort to live democratically, we have many voices to listen too. An impossible task.  Not everyone is satisfied and most of the time power and politics win over common sense.  Our state of being is self-Reliance, independent thinking, ingrained from an educational system early on.  We have used our natural resources to the point of abuse.  And ignored our obligations to renew that which we use.  It is incumbent upon us to step back, and rethink our future.  God, says " I will destroy those who destroy the Earth."
    Our connectedness to our very survival ,"Earth" is in rebellion.  To us.  To be stewards of what we have is to first, realize where it comes from, and second be of a thankful nature and bless the giver of life's resources.
     We are a wasteful society dependant upon the structures that came before us, but not chained to it, capable of change.  We first must put priority on what is the sacred, honor that which comes not from us, but from the one who is ultimately in control, and that is by revelation, alone. Jesus. In the Gospels, Jesus proves divinity in quieting the storm on the sea of Galilee. And again, by the bounty of fish, caught by his word, and command to drop the nets again, and pull in a haul of fish, nearly sinking the boat.  Our God has a plan, and it ultimately will come into view with or without our help. If he needs to humble us while doing so, he will, and he will use that which we cannot overcome.
     When calamity happens, such as the  horrific toppling of the Twin Towers, and most recently Notre Dame, and floods and famine, the most common response, is "We will rebuild."  This, without  a sense of profound inward reaching out to the one who could provide a divine guidance in the midst of our human  activity and ask, should we rebuild? Spend the billions on concrete and steel or should we redirect it to a better cause? Build shelters, feed the poor, increase the healthcare funding, renew our vigilance to the way we use our resources?
     If Jesus, truly is who he said he was,  ( And I believe he is) then we all would be of a different mind and humble ourselves, to a God, which knows our shortcomings more than we do.  If we have progressed to the point of contaminating the only world we live in, both spiritually and naturally, we have much to concern ourselves with.
    This being resurrection day, renewal, is the word, bringing forth life and restoration of that which was dead.  Peace.

Sunday, April 7, 2019


     "All people do not want to be on the same road." This is a quote by a man , Barry Lopez, who wrote a book called Horizon. Mainly it concerns his observations about our interactions on the environment  over the last three decades.  But I find this quote to be instructive of  other things. 
     Hegemony, is defined as leadership, dominance, dominion, and supremacy, and lastly, authority.  Now here is where I am going with this.  In Christianity, we are admonished to be of one mind and one accord. Why?  Because in Christ, there can be only one truth. But as we all mostly know, we have diverged, and have gone on many different roads.  As the quote above highlights.  In Christ, we have become something we were never  before. United in belief that one died for all .  How that is represented is key.  Not only for individuals but corporately as the Church.  If we are all "divergent" in key and basic beliefs then we are diluted and weakened.  Christianity is only as strong as we embrace those precepts that Christ himself proclaimed, not only of himself, but of the Kingdom of God he preached. It has been evident  to me for decades, that Churches in general hold to the basics, but differ greatly on the presentation and the power of the Gospel. And this in turn, creates many roads to God.  Wide is the gate that leads to destruction, narrow is the way, that leads to life, few, therefore find it. I marvel at times, how it comes to us, this revelation of the Gospel of good news, in the midst of so many roads that offer something other than  truth.  Pilate asked Jesus, "what is truth?." 
     Truth, plain and simple is Jesus, manifest in flesh and blood, modeled for us as perfect, without sin and made sin for us, so that we may live.....better than we were before... with power by the Holy Spirit and overcomers, destined to rule with "hegemony" in a new Kingdom. Peace.