Monday, April 29, 2019


Trajectory: The complete path something follows as a function of  position , momentum and time. Three dimensional mechanics as opposed to quantum mechanics.
     So we here on earth follow those rules, historically, physically, and prophetically  as a function of future time.  We are not static. We are on a course and like it or not, this course is laid out by God...
     Now, over the past year I have listened to many theories, proposed by other, Christians that in some way want to understand where we are going, how we are going and where we end up.  From Calvinist thought, to openness, where we can have influence with God where the future is somewhat known and somewhat unknown.  Calvinism promotes pre-destination those those chosen,and  those not chosen and so forth.  But however we choose to interpret theology, I know with certainty, God is the ultimate last word. 
     If we now can look back on the written word (I'll call it the Bible), you may think differently, we can see the trajectory of history thorough God's eyes and his plan.  The prophets saw many years into the future events to come nations rising and falling, famines, droughts, and wars culminating with invasions and conquered lands, mostly revolving  around Israel but involving nations used by God for judgements.
     We are in the time of the "Gentiles", we have been brought into the dispensation of grace, what was only known at one time to the Jews. Knowledge of God.  We now know too. There can be no excuse not to know how or what God requires. Paul preached that we traded images of the created, animals, stones, trees, and the like and willfully chose them over the un-created God who was certainly known by his works in creation, the heavens, and the beauties of our own Earth. 
 So what I am,getting to is the fact that we are close to times end, because our trajectory is closing in on events in our time of foretold  before we were here. We are passengers on a rocket in time reaching destination or coordinates pre set.  We may have leeway and influence through prayer,to offset some things, but not the  great plan of God.  Jesus asked, " if it is possible, let this cup pass from me."  Even the Son of God, wanted to alter the coming events and horrific judgement that was to be laid on him.  He  chose out of love for us. As Savior.  And as ultimately knowing the outcome  he continued on his trajectory...."Zechariah......In one day  I will remove the sin of the nation's..." 
     So if we can look into the word of God, and see love waxing  cold, nations against one another, famine, floods, brother against brother, we either heed the warnings, or pass it off as nonsense,   You  Choose, what rocket will you be riding on?

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