Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fear: How does it affect you?

     31 “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
33 But he replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.”

34 Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.”

     In these short verses of scripture we can see that Peter indeed did what Jesus said he would do.  In fearfulness Peter denied Christ at his most vulnerable time.  When in an earlier verse of scripture in the Garden at the Mt. of Olives, Jesus found his friends asleep and he encouraged them to pray that they not fall into temptation.  Peter must not have heard.  
     Fear is the tactic that the Devil will use over and over again and in many different situations.  Whether it be money issues, job related or family related, he will use it to the utmost to strike a state of fear into us because he knows he can do it and will most likely win in some battles with us.  Jesus also said in another scripture, "Do not fear the one who can kill the body, but the one who has the power to kill the soul, (spirit).  Or to cast into hell.  Why?  Because we fear death over all else.  
     Peter must have been shaken to his roots in order to deny Jesus so quickly.  Everything he knew suddenly vanished and his beloved Rabbi, teacher was under arrest and soon to be killed.  How after three solid years of being with someone could he do this?  I have wondered many times.  We do not like change especially Americans.  We think day after day will be the same and when change occurs it shakes us.  Sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse. It depends upon our depth of character.  
     As Christians we get a marvelous inside view in how to allow change happen to  our lives by letting God shape us and our character without submitting to fear and letting our God fight the battles.  We can disarm the Devil right away by not yielding to our basic fears.  It is hard but doable.  
     Consider when things go absolutely haywire for us whether it be for a day or for a period longer than that, it can have serious consequences for us, we face anxiety, and our decision process may not be clear.  Though I still face fear initially when things change, I have learned not to give in  and rather let my faith steer the course in bad times.  God will come through and in time.  
     Peter grew through his experience and wept bitterly but became bold after Pentecost.  The Spirit of God within was greater than he who was in the world meaning, the Devil.
     We have a leg up so to speak because we can read about people that came before  and the trials they underwent.  It is through them that we an also gain a certain faith and perspective so we can do better.  How many times do the Psalms speak into our lives and generate a certain faith that nothing else can?  
    The Bible is so misunderstood by many and many are blinded to believe it is just another book.....of fables.
     Denial.jpg (750×600)

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