Saturday, September 14, 2013

When God Thunders: Do we know it?

     Sitting on my porch during a thunder storm is awesome.  Feeling and not only seeing for myself the raw power of nature is humbling.  So do we notice the things that are going on around us that seems over the top and very unusual?  If not maybe we are not in tune with our God.  Yes there are those who for thousands of years say that this is just normal and events are playing out as usual.  But what if they're not? Then we have a problem, and we must face the facts that "Aslan is on the move!"
     Our God is a patient God although he is not oblivious to our situations nor is he slow concerning his judgements of mankind.  In this I mean to say that we are involved in a world of events that take place in our consciousness at an extremely fast rate but in God's eyes very slow.  One day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day is according to the scriptures.  He has all the time in our world to make the outcomes of our lives as he wishes.  So, how do we face the daily onslaughts of daily news that shakes not only our world but infuses us with a certain fearfulness that we do not always acknowledge?  Are we the ostrich that will bury the head in the sand? Or are we going to take a stand and acknowledge just what might be happening around us?  Are we going to take an active effort to engage in our world and make a difference?
     When I reflect on these types of situations I must be active even though I am passive in nature.  Paul, in his travels as a missionary for Jesus and laying the foundations of the early church knew this firsthand and never gave up his vision that the Lord gave to him.  To the point of knowing that eventually he would die for his faith.  He became bound in chains for the Lord and went to Rome even though he could have chosen another way.
     So today my little town that I live in has been blasted for the last two years by fires and floods that have wreaked havoc with lives that have been upended and thrown to wind so to speak and how do I view this?  With a conscience that is hardened or with one that is softened and supple to those who suffer?  I choose supple.  I have learned that yes God is sovereign in all things and I view the middle east troubles as nothing more than God working his plans so that he will have the glory even if I think the ways of God are repugnant and not always tasteful in my own understanding.  It is a puzzle that continues to unravel and shows us that we are not in control of every event of our lives.
     Facebook, twitter. linkedin and all of the marvelous  technology of today will never take the place of the spirit led person who bows to the Lord  and waits upon him for instruction. If we take that position we will never fall according to 1st Peter.  So it is with humility that I involve myself daily in prayer so that I will be in tune when he comes soon>.thundering.jpg (320×240)

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