Friday, January 10, 2014


     Ever see a starving dog eat after days of being starved, he chunks. Literally he fails to chew what's in his mouth and whatever is in there goes down whole.  It's what the devil does every day. He chunks down people who are unaware that they have just been eaten.  He does this very subtly by killing the nerves so you don't feel like anything is happening at all.  Peter warned that in the last days" people would become lovers of selves and love would wax cold in them."  This is how he does it.  Destroy little by little so that eventually you become numb and oblivious to what is actually happening.  A fight here, lost trust there, a little separation among friends and he has won the battle.  Love is strained and love gets elbowed aside until it waxes cold.
    We as Christians must protect  ourselves from being chunked in this way.   It's extremely hard to do considering it's a 24/7 battle going on around us from dawn to dusk.  If one says there is no fight I challenge you, open your eyes and see that the battle is in every corner of the world.
   "I saw Satan fall like lightening....cast down from heaven to the realm of men....."  Here now is the principality of this world devouring us to avenge his fall from grace by the hand of God.  He is angry and will fight tooth and nail for anyone he can claim as his own.   But be of good cheer those of you who trust in God...."I have over come the evil one... and the world....So we have an advocate for us after all.   SATANCASTDOWN.jpeg (473×350)

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