Wednesday, January 1, 2014

That Great Day of The Lord

IMG_9350_2.jpg (1230×1010)That Great Day of The Lord will be terrible:

Multitudes, multitudes
    in the valley of decision!
For the day of the Lord is near
    in the valley of decision.
15 The sun and moon will be darkened,
    and the stars no longer shine.
16 The Lord will roar from Zion
    and thunder from Jerusalem;
    the earth and the heavens will tremble.
But the Lord will be a refuge for his people,
    a stronghold for the people of Israel

[a]“In those days and at that time,
    when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,
I will gather all nations
    and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.[b]
There I will put them on trial
    for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel,
because they scattered my people among the nations
    and divided up my land.
They cast lots for my people
    and traded boys for prostitutes;
    they sold girls for wine to drink.

One has but to look into history and see that the Jews were dispersed to the four corners of the earth.  Now in that great day Jerusalem will be a great city again and the Jews will return home to their homeland.  Will we see this with our own eyes?  It is happening even now.  For the last two decades, Jews have been returning home. Why is the issue of settlements so abrasive to those outside Israel?  Why does Natanyahhu fight so hard to keep them?  It's because he knows the promise of God.  Statehood was a miracle in 1948 and continues to be now.  All around Israel are the enemies of God. Those who wish to push Israel into the sea.  Iran, Iraq, Turkey? Maybe.  Will the United States turn too?  That remains to be seen.  If the Palestinian issue continues to be forefront in the news and sympathy builds for those refugees who are considered "occupied" then the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place.  
     Peace will reign for a few short years 3-1/2 before tragedy.  Then look for the end..... Secretary of State Kerry is trying hard to install a peace.....It's in the news every day!  

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