Thursday, March 13, 2014

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid: of The Son of God!

                                              He will crush[b] your head,
                                                         and you will strike his heel

     There is a point in Mel Gibson's movie where the Devil circles Jesus carefully sizing him up not getting too close to him and not being very far from him. It is a masterful piece of cinematography.  At that point he releases a snake that slithers close to Jesus as he stands up just after seeking his fathers, mercy pleading with him to take the cup of suffering from him he is about to suffer. Not yielding to the temptation he forcefully crushes the serpent's head with his heel  
     That's the victory we need to remember each and every day as we Christians mightily struggle to keep our footing from slipping.
     The particular scripture in Genesis referenced above is the very first prophecy of the victory over our struggles moreover the victory Christ won for all of us.
      It is the definite intent of the Devil to wage an all out war against anything and everything that belongs to Christ. Us.  If you are suffering losses that seemingly come from out of nowhere then be assured that you are in a fight.  I used to never believe that. but the longer I am a Christian and study and feel his Spirit move within I know without a doubt this is the case.  If we tie into the doctrines of "easy peasy" life is easy as a Christian and go with those thoughts that we will never suffer then we do not know our God or his word.  It is the intent on the Devils part to deceive for he is the "Father of Lies."  A thief and a murderer.
      Why do I come on so strong? it is because in the last dozen years I have been tempered in a furnace much like Shadrach Meshach and Abendego who were thrown into  furnace to kill them and stop them from worshiping their God.
      That pure and simple is what the Devil wants to do to us stop us from worship. And he will use anything from torment, suffering, natural disasters and yes world events to cause anxiety to us. Splitting us from Jesus cuts of the power of God to intercede on our behalf and guide us through those times.  If Jesus lost even one battle to the Devil then we would not have a Messiah.  Think about that.
      Not to dis those people in the Churches that find their home in a place of comfort of flowing words of grace and lectures of unending bliss but that is a gross distortion of the truth.  It up to the shepherds to speak the truth in love and build up the body of Christ rightly dividing the word of truth. Spiritual warfare is just that...warfare, people die.  
     But in Christ we have the ultimate victory, "Oh death where is thy sting" that is the victory, we have a forerunner who went before us and tasted death for us and rose to victory because of suffering.  
     The message is bold, scary and one that is not easily taken on by us but necessary.  The Holy Spirit was not given in timidity but in power.
     It is we who must search out those churches and bodies of people that have maybe been like a pendulum and swung from extremes in order to find the balance.  I know I did.  From Charismania to safe and back to sensible never leaving the Spirit behind for that would be suicide as a Christian.
     This is probably the strongest blog to date because I can see trouble all around the world increasing and increasing trouble in fighting those things that affect us daily.  I'm talking worries, debt, sickness and just about anything we suffer in this body that we cannot explain that happens quickly.  
    Just  in the last week I suffered freak losses and though they were not major they were there just enough to cause trouble and doubt.   I suffered a rapid onset hearing loss and lost a good truck as well.  I do not consider these major suffering but a question hovers in my mind who's afoot?  

                If I can see that clearly enough then I can pray effectively!
Jesus-Crushing-the-Head-of-the-Serpent-610x351.jpg (610×351)

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