Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Knock, Knock: Who's There?

     A few short months ago I awoke from a sleep remembering if hazily a dream from the night.  A strange dream for me in that it was very specific for location and specific for information only the information was limited. Here's how it was:
      I remember standing in front of a building of Spanish design. Looking straight at it, the color was of dusty beige (walls) surrounded by large and dark oaken beams that formed the support structure and  the front doors.  Peering inside I could not see clearly but it was a darkened  room that looked like it was burnt out and I and others as I remember quite foggily were clearing what was left of the inside furniture, mostly chairs and tables and taking them outside and setting them on a sidewalk.  This place was sort of like a "strip mall in nature as there were other buildings connected to the one I was interested in.  The impression I felt was to begin to rebuild something.
     Now for the "kicker."  Here is where things get even stranger.  I awoke with the name of the place firmly implanted in my mind and as I sat up I told my wife, "Guess what? I just had a dream of a place called San Jacinto!"  So wondering where this was I "googled" it and it was in California. On the satellite pics I could see the area where it was located and then I saw forty miles to the west "Corona" the place of my birth.  As I continued to scan I recognized names from my childhood, names that my parents used to talk about all the time, but long forgotten to me.  I did not spend much time in California so consequently the meanings were at the time meaningless to me.
     As a Christian I have read stories of how others have had dreams (Daniel comes to mind) but I did not think much of today's dream until.....

     It kept recurring as a theme for the last several months as I tried to push it aside.  Example: My son at a local football game comes home and tells me that one student as he came through the line was from guess where?   Right San Jacinto!  A package that was I was to deliver to a lady in our building  several weeks later was guess what?  near San Jacinto!  Again I tried to make this go away and not let my imagination get the best of me.  But......again and again it just popped up anonymously in various ways.  I prayed just to cover the bases and make sure I was not getting deceived by you know who. And for exactly one month is has been quiet. But.....
      We have friends here in Manitou that needed help yesterday and so I spent the few hours of my night along with my wife and helped clear the store out and make room for a new tenant and at the end of the night over walks my wife with a pink post-it-note and hands it to me.   Guess what.....!
    Now someone has my attention!  On the note was an old address handwritten in faded ink addressed to a person called  Lynn on  Main Street San Jacinto, California along with the zip code.....now what am I supposed to think now?  I'm not superstitious and not prone to think along those lines but.....here again was this theme presenting itself oh so clearly and in such a way as to stop me in my tracks and so I prayed to find out if God is Knocking at my door!  This note has been buried for the last decade I'm sure in a pile of magazines long forgotten about and lost until the night I went over and helped out these friends of ours.  (Oh and a man that just moved in our assisted living building was revealed during our conversation was from Hemet, California  5 miles south of San Jacinto and he knew the area well!)
     So this begs the question?  What to do?  I'm settled and have a nice job, kids have a great school and I'm not ready to move.....So I'm wondering at this point if and when?  Is this to be?  And can I accomplish something a thousand miles away from here?  Somewhere in my future?
    Another story comes to mind, Paul in his "Macedonian call."  He was summoned I guess you could say in Prayer to respond to a calling to help someone in Macedonia he did not even know!  But he went  but not right away.
     So I guess I have to shelve it and see if it comes around again and look at this from a practical side as well since I do not have the means to fulfill this dream at this point!  But I will answer the knock if it comes around again in some unexpected way again! And I'm sure it will.......somehow.
     knock.jpg (600×769)

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