Friday, April 18, 2014

Absurditites Along The "Way"

     Every so often life throws out what I like to call "absurdities" that make me ponder....the question....really? is that true? Is that really what our God is like?  I of course am refering to stories and experiences of some that in the course of life experienced that fail to find the right words to express some trancendental experience they have had.  Mystical, colorful, un-realistic decrtiptions of "something" that happened to them but... not necessarily ....G     o      d     !  If it were so we surely would be labeled lunatics.!  Why is this so?  I don't find these stories of craziness in the scriptures I have read for the last say thirty years!( Yes there are allegories.) Paul was so grounded and so was Peter.  Men of unquestionable faith and believability.  If anyone started to worship them as Angels (and some tried) they were mortified and stopped them immediately.  The glory always goes to God.  First and foremost.  They simply were carrying our Christ's words of teaching and showing to those who would believe just what faith was composed of.  This included miracles and healings that led others to believe they were somehow Angelic or God's themselves.
    Now back to the absurdities of some in the "Way".  In an effort I suppose to understand how God conveys to us his truths and( imparts to us; his truths), as flesh and blood we can become "spiritually minded and become no earthly good".  What I mean, is if we cannot accurately convey to those who are in a state of unbelief, the nature of the God we serve, how are they to know?  Certainly it is not so mystical as to cause a furrowed brow upon one's face in describing some truth God has imparted as to cause total disbelief on the one who may be hearing for the first time what the Christian God is like!
     Well  I have seen and heard somethings attributed to our God that are just ridiculous and need not to be mentioned for sheer either ignorance or total misunderstanding of the way our God really is.  Or could it be that those who attribute these silly things are just at a mighty distance to a God who longs to be near?  The words...."I never knew you" spoken by Christ...are not only scary for those who claimed to cast out demons and did things in Jesus name but are words of banishment from his very presence.  So I guess I would want to represent our God in a generous light that speaks of what he did for not only me personally but for all of mankind once and for all.  His sincerity, love, grace, teaching, longsuffering as a servant unto death... these are weighty and carry a dignity that I want the world to know.  So when I hear and see the Gospel spoken in the name of Jesus and it does not do what it is intended to do I begin to feel a little sick inside knowing the terrible price of the cross Jesus paid and knowing the marvelous Glory on the other side...resurrection!  God is not purple mists and a token granter of wishes we pray to  in hopes of some materialistic fulfillment here and now.
     If anything, Jesus was grounded in the totality of the human condition, weakness, hunger, suffering, longing and yet overcame all in triumph and experienced joy, friendships, feasts and festivals, and marriages of brides and grooms.  And he welcomes all who would believe to enter into his rest, and be invited to the banquet held in his honor at the end of time.

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