Monday, April 14, 2014

The Gods of Empty Promises:

     Every day all around you there are Gods.  Think not?  Think that they have all but been banished to the ages of history, long forgotten statues posing in whimsical ways that defy our modern understanding?  Our Gods present themselves in a different ways but are still empty promises, promising fulfilment but delivering none.  Six thousand years of mankinds history dug up, God's of fertility not only of crops but of human's as well. God's of benevolence and some of calamity all now relegated to museums and the pages of National Geographic and Archeological dig magazines.  Mystical God's,Zeus, Appollo, Aphrodite and God's of war.  What of these?  We look back on them with curiosity.  Why?  Because now we have technology and understanding that has increased a thousand fold since the 1900's.  We make what we want, live where we want, and pull our food off of well stocked shelves no longer risking threat to our lives by hunting and gathering.
     So when our inner lives begin to decay where do we again turn?  To those God's of today....
 Money/ otherwise known as mammon in the bible. Prosperity doctrines, Wall street, quick riches? Life of ease? Lottery tickets? Technology/space... is there life anywhere but here?.. & hope we will get there before we destroy this one? Crystals, magnets, meditation, witchcraft, atrology do we place our hope in these? And what about people? Do we place our hope in man? The hope of Democracy. The hope of stability among waring nations. NATO? The E.U.? Or a Socialized government. All these things are substitutes for the real thing. Though I like and enjoy our Democracy will it last? I don't know. The other things mentioned pale next to the revelation of Christ and what he did for us.  Life beyond this one, peace within, striving stilled and the possibility of loving one another without pettiness, and jealousies getting in the way. Looking out for one another as Paul exhorted in his many letters to the Corinthians, Thessalonians and so forth.
      He is called our Rock, our salvation, he asks us to try him and take on his yoke for it is light and easy.  Easier than this world's.  Have you been homeless?  Looked for money in the mail? Hoped that the water, electricity or gas would not be shut off?  Depended upon relatives that could not offer help? Have you gotten to the point of frustration and felt that there had to be something so much diferent that you cannot see and you know is there but do not know how to reach it?  It is the Spirit of God poured out for our transgression, simply said (our missing the mark or missing the one true God.)  It is the
God hole. The very spirit of God infused with our body soul that will raise us up as it did Christ on that third day.  Easter is around the corner and it is so much more than candy and bunnies and easter eggs hunts. It is the day of Resurrection! A day of Celebration and a day of hope for Christians.  It is the culmination of four thousand years of God's covenant fulfilled down through the generations never missing a beat. Jewish scribes that meticulouly wrote and rewrote letter by letter preserving their history and God's dealing with nations and then found in the form of the Dead Sea Scrolls.   Read over the Old Testament, it is richly filled with people, unlikely people who believed God.  Read Hebrews chap. 11 or the faith chapter as it is known.  It will amaze you. It's not just a story or a "Good Book."

                        So let's banish those ancient and modern God's who are of no help.
                                           Chaos_Monster_and_Sun_God.png (2012×1484)
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