Friday, December 19, 2014

For You Who Believe:

      And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, 

    This blog is for all those who believe in the LOrd  and Savior Jesus Christ.  This time of year we are at present thinking of course of our loved  ones and how to please them with a material gift and sharing our homes with loved ones who may be returning to share with us the Holiday season.  For us as believers, this time of year is no less a sacred day in which we remember our Lord's birth and the Joy brought to us by all that he did for us ( and the world and those who may not yet come to believe).  And so the words of Paul to his fledgling new believers as above remind us that there is indeed a word of God not of human origen that makes us sanctified by our belief in Christ.  This is no small thing.  In order for the Thessalonians to believe, they had to over come their belief in "idols" and in their case actual man made statues or Gods they worshipped.  They had to come out of a frame of mind of belief inorder to re-orient their thinking and recieve the Holy Spirit of God himself to change their life forever more.  They had to be sanctified, and live pure lives not as pagans do that surrounded them.   
     So must we. We are no different than they even though we consider ourselves "moderns".  There are still with us thought processes as ancient as the ones the Thessalonians believed and just as dangerous to come out from.  Worship of angelic beings?  Stars? (astrology) gold (wall street) material things (Gods of the harvest and the list is still extensive.  
     So the word of God is still active and "sharper than a double-edged sword able  to pierce the thoughts and intents of the heart to the marrow of the bone.
 And it is still saving....2000 + years later...Thanks be to God.........Happy Holidays.1happy-holidays-snow.gif (395×252)

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