Sunday, December 28, 2014

A despicable evil;

     I am not nationalistic by nature, however today I take a stand against the evil (ISIS) that is putting a stranglehold on the countries of Iraq and Syria fomenting a perverse Islam and murdering innocents.  For all those who may have read the Wall Street Journal two perhaps three days ago it was an article in that edition tha stopped me in my tracks.  Basically it was this:  Isis was capturing young kids and teens and indoctrinating them in ways to behead the enemies of ISIS.  These are young children at the mercy of evil incarnate and some do not know the difference and so they obey.  It made me sick and I had to take breaks inbetween reading.  This has to be stopped somehow someway.  And so I thank our God for our nation in times like these where freedom prevails and we have a decency to live by and we can still point the way to a certain right way of life....let there be a continous thousand points of light in this country that will always shine bright and let all those nations that oppress and repress it's citizens take notice of us.  We are not a perfect nation but there is much to be said for our freedoms and our way of life.
     With the President having dissolved the embargo to Cuba many were vehement against this. Because the leaders there  The Castros, oppressed their people and killed them and imprisoned those who spoke out just like China and N Korea too.  And they still rule. I see both sides of the issue. Time will tell.  Marxism and Communism are a dead poitical movement.  I pray we can stop Isis soon, if we cannot, A just God will judge them.                                      .o-AMERICAN-FLAG-facebook.jpg (2000×1000)

Whoever is pregnant with evil
    conceives trouble and gives birth to disillusionment.
15 Whoever digs a hole and scoops it out
    falls into the pit they have made.
16 The trouble they cause recoils on them;
    their violence comes down on their own heads.

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