Monday, February 9, 2015

Anti-Christ/ or against Christ/

     The mixing of our thoughts has been on going since the days of Christ our Lord. Now it is even more intense than in those days. Ideas and thoughts spread with a click of our computers, smartphones. Worldwide not just communitywide. We now live in a media  filled world where we are subject to every thing possible that can and will work it's way into our mind and soul and Spirit.  Everything Christ brought to us was life. He undid the curse, everything that was within the world and in us also.  Think not?  Disease, he healed.  Poverty oppression, he fed 5000 twice, to show us faith, hope, and love,  The rich, he chastised, the Religious, he spoke harshly to, and undid their ways right in front of thousands,  Death, he took Lazarus from the grave, with wrappings and all entombed in his death prematurely and released him.
     We are seeing people transformed ( Bruce Jenner) before our eyes in spectacle that causes us to wonder and those of weak conscience to doubt what we once knew as right and wrong. We who are Christians and under the grace of the Lord must see this as outright battle against what the teachings of Christ taught us.  This though does not mean we do not love those who are trapped in their sin as we once were, but we take our stance from the one who showed the way into grace.  Christ met all, taught all, embraced those who were confused in his time and spoke to issues of his day to undo a wrong mindset.
     Remember  Peter's response to Jesus's testimony about his impending Death?  "Lord it will not be so!"
"Get thee behind  me Satan!" was Jesus's words to the rock.....Why, surely Peter was not Satan...but anything that is against Christ is The Spirit of Anti-Christ or against God.    And at that moment even Peter was in league with the one against Christ.  Peter's did not want to lose something precious to him, however to Christ those words were tempting him  to not go through with his very reason for coming to Earth.  Salvation.
     Dark over light/ wrong over right/  a mixing that is very hard to undo once it takes root in and around us.  If we continue to see these things unfold daily and are in a continous state of mind, "well if it does not affect me...then what's the harm?  But to those who are now growing up in a world without that sense of right and wrong  truths that once were generational and passed from one to another , it is a warping effect.  Take a look at the TV shows now and the ones 30, 40 and 50 years ago, Is there a loss of innocence?  Is the vulgar, tasteless and raw humor openly and proudly displayed?  I think so.  Think Michael Landon's Little House on the Prarie, contrast it with any show now....values? Exact opposites. So we now make our own morals along the way, mold and shape our minds to whatever the flavor of the day is. Baskin Robbins choose a flavor...... Sin is ever with us,  Lot and his wife fled the City of Sodom in his day. With the help Of Angelic beings! Things were bad then too! There are then peaks and valleys of moral conduct through the ages. Found and lost and then hopefully found again.  Peaks+and+Valleys.png (483×291)

t what is truly right and wrong.  Darkness over ligt has become the mantra of the day.

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