Tuesday, February 24, 2015

At some point: this train is leaving the station!

 13 I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, 14 because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me.15 And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things.

?????? What is Peter saying?  Casually.......! he is affirming his death!! like leaving on a trip!! By train... Departure?? tent?  Sounds easy!  We who in this American society hold so dearly onto life and find every way possible to extend, refresh, unwrinkle, preserve and undo death.  It's just not possible.  And we cringe when death is near or near to ones we love.  And yet Peter is calmly affirming his departure, perhaps knowing in his heart he was to suffer like his Messiah.  But he tells all of his Churches in Asia to continue in the Faith.   
     To be sure the times he lived in were violent (think Nero) lions and the like.  But he rather affrims the Kingdom to come and strongly suggests that what is to come in the eternal is far greater than what is now present.  Sounds good.  Compare our times also..... Isis, Boko Haram, Houthis, Separatists,  and the gazillion factions in the Middle East! Ours is a violent world too and it is escalating also.  Fire is consuming and it spreads without control.

    So choose door No. 1,2, or 3! from the price is right!  Door No. 1 is all things material. Door No 2 is counterfeit kingdoms.  And behind door No. 3!  A chance to depart this kingdom we live in daily with strife, violence, hatred, malice, and theivery in high places.  Preached by one who came from the dead, firstborn of it...and promised things better than  what is here..  Can we believe it? Thy kingdom come.....thy will be done on Earth as in Heaven.....surely there is war in the heavenlies as Daniel was told by the Angel Gabriel, fighting on his behalf. But who is the General!     And can we follow the one who liberates, feeds, heals, and gives hope to countless generations?  We all decide which track the trains runs on,and what door to choose..... price-is-right.jpg (492×273)

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