Friday, June 19, 2015

I Can't Help It!

I think I was born a square peg all along. And I cannot fit into the round hole no matter what I do! (even if I shaved the corners)  Always somewhat a loner, viewing life from a stance that did not include me it seemed!  And now it's even worse! I'm an Octagon.......I kinda fit nowhere!
Why is this, I ask myself?  It's all his fault.........Jesus....
     When I started searching for life's answer to the big {Me}...and all of the why's, why am I here, what do I do?  who am I?  It all started like a giant snowball rolling down hill. I did not really know if I was going to get an answer.
But now I know.  Why you say, are you so smart?  When some of the brightest people who ever lived could not find it. truth, or peace, or contentment or any of the other of life's precious things that make us feel special for a life well lived?
I have yet to figure that all out but I do not think it's Calvinism! Pre-destination? Paul's little topic?  NO
     It's more complex.  If God can relent and change his mind, (and he did over and over again) with his little "stiffnecked people" then I know we all have the posibility to find and enter into a kingdom with seemingly a different set of rules that exist!  and there's the rub.....we are now separate from what we were born into, and if we did not fit then, certainly we do not fit now!
     The more I wanted fellowship with "likeminded" people, the more I was startled to find a rude awakening.  Sandpaper, rough, abrasive, polarizing, people that were anything but co-hesive, all in the name of Chris............insanity?  (What men have done to it!)
     You see the Light of the World revealed all of the imperfections wherever he went and the biggie was our Sin and our state of being compared to his.  And because of this we are oil and water.  We can't mix in the world, we can't mix with our own because of the pettiness that overcomes reason in the Doctrines of men.........So now what?  If you feel sometimes like I do and bounce from place to place like a rubber ball, take heart and pray like the one who always ran to a place of solitude and prayed to the one who made sense!  Have a good day!

   square-peg.jpg (639×624)

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