Monday, June 8, 2015

Stop & Think

     If I stopped to think about it, "I must be nuts!"  Everyday I get up and turn to a 2000 year old book made up of books and begin to read....again.  Why?  I wouldn't read the Illiad or the Oddesy over and over again?  Or I even wouldn't even read our own Constitution over and over again ( I don't think I have read it through yet." But I will easily turn to a Book "The Word Of God" or 66 books  written over a period of 1500 years or so maybe more, and read it over and over again and still will be left in a state of wonder.  How can this be? HOW can I trust it?  How can I  begin to interpret a document written in Greek and Hebrew and  German and English and not wonder if it has been corrupted or mistranlated over the many years?  Even the best of scholars will cast a doubt as to certain words or time periods or customs or whatever they find after diligently searching and mind numbing hours of pouring over these ancient documents!  But I believe it it true...and will defend it.  Why?  Because of the one whom it represents.

     In this book, there is a Spirit, a profound sense of truth, if one takes the view and time to really get into it.  Yes there are contradictions in the Gospels of events seemingly different, but that is because of the emphasis each writer is giving to a particular event and of course their memory.  Even if this were grounds to disprove it's accuracy, still the words and recorded lives and events of those who have written it relay a tremendous revelation of the one God all or (most Christians serve).  Take for example the story of when Jesus went to  the other side of the lake and found there a man (Legion) all crazy, naked, and out of his mind driven to terror by demons that tormented him. In one Gospel it is only one man.  In another Gospel it seems as if two men were set free?  Now is this inaccurracy? Or is it just a different [point of view? ]  
     But I know this for certain, even if it was one or two does not make a bit of difference and does not change the fact that the Lord intervened in "someone's" life and healed them.
       And what about Pentecost?  Did the Spirit get poured out as Jesus said?  Did the world change at that moment?  And for the next passing centuries were Christians in effect made or converted from something they had not been before?  I think so.  So This is why I can read and re-read  letters written and attested to by many that there is a certain solidness to this book.  It's many authors found a base of truth and they began to reveal it in the only way they could, "Written Word"  Now who is the "Word?"  Didn't John refer to Jesus and the Word?  Among us? The Word made flesh...........and so we have a "Will" a Testament to the one who it is all about written down to peruse any time we want to until the time it will be done away with and what then?

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