Sunday, August 30, 2015


     I will be astounded when it's all over.  It is said in the scriptures that no one knows when that time will be, but I believe I will see it.  I have seen lately the direct results of some people's hearts that had a direct bearing upon my family's well being.  My last blog was about that.  Today I got another dose of this present reality. Love is "waxing cold before our very eyes" and those who move in this mode inflict harm on innocents by a cold heart.  I moved clear across this country with little or nothing just 300.00 dollars on  hand and lots of prayer coupled with anxiety of course ( I tried to stiffle it.) This 300 came from my boss who knew my circumstances and was moved to help me.  I thanked God for this and set out in hope to start over again.
     Today after circumstances again unfortunate, my car's front end crumpled from a pothole and so I will fix it and go on and continue to be of the same mind Paul had, " To be content in any and all circumstances."  He said he had found the secret in Christ.  I intend to do the same.
     I know there are wonderful people still out there, with love that overflows, I hope to meet more of them along the way, and be built up again in my Spirit!  My inner man needs this....... from one who is in Christ forever....
     myhopejourfinallogo2.png (456×257)

Friday, August 28, 2015

OOPS! Here I go Again: Putting my faith in God and defying circumstances!

Oh, NO!  I just finished a 2-week stay in a camp ground in a small 8x8 tent with three humans, 3 cats and an 85lb. dog!  What the!  And I did not do this on purpose or camp for fun.....My landlord took back my house on short notice of 3 days and dispossesed us of our home of 3 1/2 years.   And on top of that I quit my job of three years that was a blessing and traveled 1900 miles across country to be taken in by a relative...thankfully.
     All this because of a man's heart that  "waxed cold" like the scriptures warn us Christians of in these last days.  Confronting him face to face and telling him he did not care for people did not phase him at all.  Let this type of thing be a warning to those with kind hearts that there are people who will trample and crush without remorse.
     I have at times been fearful of this type of circumstance especially since 2007 and in a shaky economy.  At best I managed to tamp this fear down and and keep going on doing the best I could do, but there are times when change overtakes planning and then my faith must be sufficient for the task ahead.  Often as a Christian I am moved by those less fortunate than I and those on the street who must hold cardboard signs and ask for handouts.  I do not judge and often I help when I can.
     So I will land again on my feet with God's grace and try and let the peace that surpasses understanding be in my heart.    Thank you Jesus for a safe trip! in a 20 year old car......with three humans, three cats, an 85 lb dog and many rest stops along the way!cat-and-dog-e1386636819964.jpg (1483×921)