Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Losing Your Soul, Spirit, and Mind; A consequence of Godlessness

     I have seen the consequences of those who are far removed from God.  Not only is it sad but fearful.  I have seen reason and emotion stripped from individuals that leaves them absolutely empty inside and lacking much that makes a person whole and healthy and mentally clean.  What we believe in and or "who" is so important to what makes us a human being.  The what's can be summed up in things like "mother earth", the moon and stars, spiritual things unattributed to a "God" or creator and all of the other categories such as angel worship, Mary worship, paganism, polytheism and so forth.  Unexplained ufo's, ancient aliens and military bases or the moon or even far fetched secret compounds run by the military with super sophisticated flying saucers are at best vain imaginations.  These come from minds, that are (I think) searching for answers and instead are filled with every sort of deception instead.
     The absolute authority with which individuals speak as experts on these things are astounding and more often than not lead to arguments and opinions that are extremely hard to break away from or into to pursuade perhaps that there are other possibilities.
     When we stray, (and we all have) "for all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God" it is easy for forget the original commands given to us by a God who knew our frame from the very beginning.  Thou shalt have no other Gods before me, honor your father and mother, do not covet, steal, committ murder etc, etc.  We become our own master and rule over and unruly flesh nature.  There is nothing to tame the "tongue" and unruly member if the heart is sick.  Slander, lies, backbiting and gossip are just a few of the characteristics of our nature.  ONE  thing and One thing only saves us from that......Jesus Christ.....who poured out his very life for all of us.    Why am I so certain?  Because I live it daily and for 30 plus years and still like Peter confessed..."away from me Lord, I am a sinner!"  Praise be to God, he saves us from ourselves and redeems us and brings light instead of darkness.  He reveals, opens, and increases our love. NOT only for ourselves but for others.
     Now in regards to the consequences of a life lived without God or fear of him.....being cut off eternally from the one who can save you.  Take the time while it is still called today, ask, seek, and knock, you will be surprised.   But ask the right the one who hears, all the time.  As for those I have seen  recently stripped of their natural love, affection and left empty from the ravages of life without a was a famly.....member..............z203329432.png (319×212)

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