Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Design For Death: The cares of this world!

    How can we live and be free, if we are weighted down by the cares of this world?  Debt from a broken down 20 year old car?  Rent that is due?  Medical bills  that are ancient and won't go away? Recurring "things that just happen" that further increase worry?  This is all designed to discourage, depress, and distract you....A Christian that has been set free by the precious purchase of your life in Christ.  So...how do we rate more than a sparrow? That falls to the earth?  Does God really care?  And if so why does the Christian suffer these things?  ( Or some do) I do not know about those who embrace the prosperity doctrines.
      The world  and everything in it ( especially Capitalism) is a design for death for us who live marginally trying to succeed in a world designed for material wealth.   So many homeless on the corners?  We probably made them.  Even though we might deny it. Saying quietly to ourselves, " Why can't you get a job?"  Consider their life, do you really know it?  NO we don't. And so I among probably many do suffer along with questions  about all of these things.  Paul certainly had reason to worry more didn't he?  Faced with death threats and stonings, and beatings all for what?  Preaching?  Words?  But they were not harmless little words were they?  They were the power of God, to show all those who were not part of a kingdom what God was really like.  And so we suffer yet knowing that we are truly set free when the Son does it and we know with a certain knowledge that there has been a power imparted to us greater than that which is in the world.  Still we can be distracted to despair just as if we knew nothing at all! Tha'ts right, and we must resist that type of thinking and it is hard, because we live in a world of requirements,natural ones that take a toll and require a price...Don't pay it with your head hanging low...rejoice in the Lord, again I say rejoice in the Lord....it is our life!  This world, look at it....it is passing away right before your eyes...wars, famine, hatreds, separation because of race issues, military incursions that won't go away and dis-ease with sickness prevalent and no way to receive proper attention emptiness in a world full "things to make us happy."

      So today do as I do, resist the pressure to cave in and despair.  God is greater, and knows what you are feeling.  " We have this treasure in earthen vessels!"  So if a man rages at you because you owe him (Paper with ink  on it.) MONEY... take heed of that attack and know that God cares more about you than that particular issue, even though it screams louder at that moment!      But I do not advocate complacency, we still must take care of our lives and do the best we can even though it is sometimes beyond our means to do  so on a timetable the world and men set for us.latest (2280×2802)

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