Saturday, October 10, 2015

We Cry "Abba" Father

      I cry Abba Father because I inow without a doubt that he is truly mine.  Paul explains to the early Church of Corinthians that we (those who believe) have the mind of Christ.  In other words, we no longer think as we formerly did.  In all things Christ emulated his Father as one who " is greater than I."  Never taking the approach that he was above the one who sent him on his earthly mission.  But, as a Son had all the the rights accorded to him as an heir of his Father's kingdom.  That included power in the Spirit. Resurrection power.....
     So in these days in which I live I find  a split within myself having to  be in the world but not of it and living as one who will inherit just a Jesus did, an eternal kingdom devoid of all of the nasty things here on this little blue planet.  What are these nasty things?  Murder, malice, hate, jealousy, bickering,  backbiting, untrustworthy people and betrayers.  Have you experienced any of things today? Or are you dull and outside of caring that these things exist and need not to and we can be changed. "In the twinkling of an eye!"
     Have your friends deserted you? Your own family also?  Do you sigh everyday while watching and reading the despairing news?  Take heart then that there is an escape, and a renewing that can be had and obtained.   It is thru Jesus and him alone and the knowledge that he suffered for all of those things I mentioned above and he experienced every single one of them and was relentlessly attacked for what? His goodness?  Miracles?  Feeding people?  Teaching another way to ive?  The list goes on and on.  He did not deserve his punishment, but God made it so we could all be different, inherit life and eternity whthout the evil we are surrounded with every day of our lives.....there is another way, the truth, anf the life!
                                             As Jean-Luc- Picard always said:   MAKE IT SO!977055-f08ca932-99f0-11e3-9a97-2ed07c1403ff.jpg (650×366)

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