Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Power of Belief: Transmitted Thru Time and Space

     I'm a science fan. I recently watched an episode of Stargate Atlantis. In this particular episode, replicators were the adversary.  Indestructible machines bent on destroying organic human life and replacing it with their own likeness.  The theme is familiar.    Now, since they could not be destroyed one at a time, because they replaced themselves too quickly, they had to be destroyed all at once.  With something instantaneous.  An EMP pulse!  Simultaneously they all broke into tiny little pieces!  (Emphasis on tiny)
      Enter Christ.........The awaited Messiah.  Boom! Sin was destroyed.....all at once!
But....and this is a big have to take it seriously and believe!  You see the power of belief has been transmitted through time and space somehow in the Holy Spirit and is still active destroying sin and freeing those captive to it even now.  How is this possible?  I don't know how, because it does not make sense to the rational mind, it continually defies it.  The physics doesn't jive.  Neither does life after death.  All I know is when I was introduced to Christ everything changed.  I was skeptical.  Just like many before me.   I remember standing in front of a mirror, hands outstretched and asking for the Spirit and repenting, seeking some kind of experience  like that of those I has met recently, Christians not from the mainstream but of a group of small College age Christians gathered in a small building.  They had something I wanted.   And I got It!!!  
      Through time and Space, The Holy Spirit is Eternal.  And so My belief in Christ activated a promise he made to each of his disciples during his natural life in ministry.  To wait for the comforter, the advocate, the helper who would come and remind them of Me ( C= Jesus)  C= comforter somewhat like Einstein's E=MC squared. But. alot more powerful.  Sorry Einstein!  You were good!  But a student is not greater than the Teacher!  
     So Like an electro magnetic pulse......EMP.....we could all be transformed...better word than saved....for us because unfortunately it has become weakened by misuse.
Paul transformed by the renewing of your mind  Rom. 12:2 and that my friends can only happen with the introduction to Christ and through him believe on the one who sent him!     The message is still the same, Ancient but powerful. Oh Death where is thy Sting!  It was in fear, but perfect love casts out fear.  

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