Monday, May 1, 2017

Are You Being Twisted?

    Everyday and every time you tune in to today's version of news are you being twisted?  I can say positively that you are.  One of  the commands that we as Christians are to follow is this: "Love not the world and anything in it, for the lust of the flesh, the pride of life and the lust of the eye comes not from the Father but from the world."  All of the ideas, all of our striving, all of our successes do they help foster love for one another? Or do they foster individuality and a self-ness that builds up the individual and walls off the ability to love another like yourself?  I can say that our media fosters fear, doubt, feeds on the negative, and builds up on a 24 hour cycle a feeling of "what's next" to happen and like the old line in the movie " I'm mad as
Hell and i'm not going to take it anymore.!!!"  Yes Hell is mad and a mad place to be banished too, because there is no light there, it is without God, separated and apart from the light of the world that was with us in the flesh a short time.  But there is hope. an advocate who is now here and has been here for plus two-thousand years, the work of the Holy Spirit.  If you will he will come to you and be your helper to resist the call of the sirens, the world and all of its pressures to conform and be molded to it's shape and not Christs. So resist the Devil, and his twisting ways and be renewed in the Spirit of your mind. Be like Christ.  Peaceable, loving, sacrificial, giving, and a friend to those who were un-loveable.  Love not the world today, and turn "hit the mark" turn and repent of all of it. Draw nigh unto God and he will draw nigh unto you.                    P.S. Christ led captivity captive......even in Hell.  

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