Tuesday, August 8, 2017


"REV. 22:18.  If any one adds to the Prophecy in this scroll I will add the plagues mentioned in this Scroll.  And if anyone takes away from the words on this Scroll I will take away any share in the tree of life in mentioned in this Scroll."
   The command of Jesus at the end of the age, a revelation beheld by John of Patmos, exiled on the account of the testimony of the Lord Jesus.
                      Also, "Beware the Leaven of the Saducees and Pharisees."
    What do we take away from this?  I say a little fear and wisdom.  The title of this blog, SWAY, is meant to convey a certain message of men's words and power. The religious leaders of Jesus's time held sway over men and so they had power. They had the power to influence the outcome of men's activity and a power over their minds.  They controlled the temple tax, they controlled how much work was to be done. They controlled the sick, the wealthy, the poor, and those who would eventually teach and carry on the correct teachings of Jesus.  They could stop or try to stop and challenge even the word of God.  So nothing has changed, even today.  Once upon a time I heard the message of the Gospel of Good News and embraced it heartily and readily after much skepticism from messages I could not accept. Why did I embrace it this time?  Because the HOLY SPIRIT backed it up.  But after many years the words of truth began to be subtly twisted into a message not of the Gospel.  A vision of one man held on so tightly that nothing even light of truth could not get in to sway the once true word.  And so the mix of man and the word of God turned the Gospel once that had power to save into a vessel of a version of  vision that was  unable to be moved.  To the hurt of many who followed.  So as Jesus warned, beware of what has the power to sway.  Keep to the words You know are true to the Gospel. Be wary of programs of promise in Churches, designed to keep the programs pumping away, regardless of the people who may have much to give but unable because of the mechanisms In place.  The gears must grind!  Sometimes de-construction must occur
before construction begins.   Teachings especially religious can be especially harmful if wielded incorrectly.   So much in the word of God has the ability to aid in the way we live. Not only in wisdom, but lifestyle, health, and a sane mentality, if we interpret it with wisdom and not of rigid rules and do's and dont's.
     Why did the "Christians" of this age vote for a man like Trump?  Because they believed he would deliver on some issue they valued......regardless of the man himself or his blatant openly vulgar and blasphemous words. And I use the word Christian very loosely!  Because The "Sheep hear his voice."  Peace.

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