Saturday, August 19, 2017

Wrestling; So that our hearts don't condemn us.......

"This is how we know we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence."    If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts....

        Think about this little scripture of John's for a moment.  The disciples and John walked and talked with the Lord Jesus and had intimate contact with him daily for three years.  He was Holy, without sin, and because of his power, he was most likely intimidating (to us to now because of the HOly Spirit)  because they felt their sin when they were around him.  It was exposed like an open sore.  More often that not confession of their sin was on their tongues around Jesus, especially after a miracle was performed or some event occurred to totally make them aware of this state.  "Away from me for I am a Sinful man!"  This is stated more than once even in the Old Testament.  But......
     John, in his letter to the Brethren, wants to soothe them and assure them that Jesus has born their shame, and no longer condemns them. It has been taken care of.  But we wrestle  with ourselves because our hearts still condemn us and we must know beyond a doubt that we can and do enter his presence fully accepted, providing we continue in the faith, abide in him with doing the things he asked.  If we fall, we get up.  Simple as that.  Of course the greater the magnitude of falling requires a greater awareness of repentance and forgiveness, even forgiving ourselves again and again.
     We are not Holy people otherwise we would not need a savior.  Jesus fit all that was written about both in the Law and the Prophets.  NOt one thing was left out.  On the cross at the end of his natural life....he cries,   "It is Finished!"  
      Sin was conquered, death was overcome. And our hearts accounted for.  Think Peter and the Rooster...........

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