Wednesday, December 27, 2017

There is Still; This rising Up" This new creation........

     Even  now in  my 62nd  and a half years, there is this rising up......from within, this new creation that Christ has given me so many years ago now when I was only 25.  This rising, is surely not of me, of my own making.  Can't be. I know myself. What's the saying, " To thine own self be true?" Well then there it is.  Christ in me, That's the difference. And that's what people would argue, "That's just you, you know, your changing.  Evolving......Not so!  Death and decay is the natural order. Look around you.  But, resurrection begins here and now ushering in the new creation in Christ.  The New Testament is  pregnant, full of life for the believer. Otherwise death is not defeated Christ is not raised and like Paul said. " We would be the most miserable of men."  Resurrection then is not then a disembodiment of soul and Spirit heading towards heaven after we die.(1). N. T. Wright) . No it is like Christ's....a new body, glorified, transformed, yet recognizable and not..., able to apparently walk through closed doors, and disappear and so forth.  Pentecost....the giving of the Spirit and the transformation through Baptism of the Holy Spirit, that is the beginning. A process in which a new mind is given over time. Thoughts are transformed, repositioned to think through things from a Godly perspective.  Like minded to Christ. 
     These springs of living water are now part of me. The women at the well asked for water. Jesus told her of you knew who I was, you would ask me for the living water, and then you would thirst no more.   Don't get me wrong we do not walk in twinkle dust. No we persevere, and go forward and look ahead all the while knowing what the grand plan is.  Christ subduing all things to be under his authority, death being the final enemy, vanquished once and for all.  So then this rising up from within  is still there with me, a constant companion (comforter) and reminder what is to come upon the bodily death first and then ........renewal! 
     The corruptible to incorruptible.   

     1. N. T. Wright, "Surprised By Hope, Harper Collins/ Publishers 2008

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