Saturday, December 30, 2017

Brothers and Sisters....Listen!

I Cor. 15:58,
   Therefore, my brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Aways give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord. For  your labor is not in vain.

     This particular scripture follows Paul's discourse just before this on the resurrected body and what it shall be.  Curious.....The entirety of his discourse to the Corinthians was to dispute the ongoing error on the resurrected Christ and also ours, as Christ's followers. In other words speaking of the future to come?  NO not so.  AS we are par takers of Christ's new creation now in this present time, then we have a work to do to be par takers in the work here and now.  After the resurrected Christ came and showed himself to his followers realize that something momentous just happened not to Christ only, but to all those who would believe.  Redemption of ourselves of course but also of the new Jerusalem and the Earth. (N. T. Wright) Surprised by Hope).  What Paul is trying to convey is life is now worth living, in the here and now. We being the vessels by which God will usher in the so needed changes in this present evil and corrupt world.  We are changed so our mission has changed. No longer do we just work for money, safety, our families, and the like.   The great commission stands.  Why?  Because if we held to the former beliefs that all is passing away and heaven awaits us elsewhere, why bother?  With that mindset corruption continues, evil persists, bad people continue to be bad people.  There is no resistance.  I do not mean we should fight, but we should be able to influence what is around us, if in fact Jesus is the first fruits of something entirely different.  Death has been conquered.  If when casting out demons he refuted the Pharisees saying If by the finger of God ( get this..finger is small but greater than us.) he casts them out then the Kingdom of God has come down to Earth.  So then as " Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, then we have a witness to uphold in  whatever we do. Since now his kingdom is come to earth and Jesus is alive and well and reigning. Now...
     So when I look around me and and get very dismayed, my nose out of joint because some do not carry their own weight and despise good work ethics, that cause wasted time, money, and labor that ultimately leads to ruin the very company they work for, I have to remember .......What I do will last and transcend to the resurrection and the new. In other words...what I  sow I will reap, Likewise so will they.....and then I rest, compose myself and Let Nothing Move Me!   Peace!

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