Monday, August 13, 2018



     I was my mind.   and guess what....
it's a mess.  Thoughts abound, unbound, free roaming, UN-ending, mystical madness, transcendental journeys, spiritual chaos..... that's where I was....where am I going?

Who has the truth?  Shall I  step into this?  Try this avenue? Pursue this street?  Try this stuff?  Is this the way? OMG! Endless pursuits of roads to take.....
they all offer. something...but what?

     That is the million dollar question?  I live in an area of spiritual pursuits...a town called Manitou or Great Spirit...In Ute Indian.  Great Spirit is a recognized trait of this area.  And it seems that a lot and I mean a lot of people gravitate here for something, natural springs for healing waters, spiritual peace, eclectic living nirvana etc. etc.  freedom from the norms of life.  An old hippie town.  Pot is legal, tie dye shirts, and jeans exist as a symbol of the 60's not forgotten.  Of times remembered and held tightly onto.  Liberalism is the antithesis of conservatism a few 4 miles away the so called capital of Evangelicanism.  Focus on the family is premier for thought molding among conservatives.  But here, there survives a mentality of "against the grain" and a tight knit community activism that sustains this little mountain town nestled below the magnificent Pikes Peak Mountain.  In between here and there there is a stretch of road known as no man's land...that transients and homeless travel night and day.  A grim reminder of a survival , hard to keep.  And that is my point in  all of this.........Where do we find the life that eludes us?  For surely money, jobs, cars, music, whatever.....can't be the all in all?
    So mystical madness, transcendental journeys and spiritual chaos  and all of our journeys to find our peace in the many offerings available to us , what are we to believe?  And how do we know when we find it?  For me it took 24 years and some introductions to the many who and shared their  truth.  Some I immediately outright rejected as crazy, and to far "out there ," for me. Some were tantalizing, and I wanted to explore, but afraid. others required massive change or adherence to dogma I did not think was true.  And so, after many such things I found a Spiritual walk,  and in-filling I could trust. and it was historical. And proven.   Christianity... and I mean true Christianity. not a westernized, tele-evangelized version we see so much of.  But a bare bones version of the good news....Christ preached.  It's worth seeking out.  It's definitely a life changing road that all others cannot compare to.  I leaves them high and dry.    It will astound you!  For it covers all of the issues that flow from the human heart!...Peace

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