Friday, August 31, 2018

Through a Christian lens ; reaping and sowing

     I choose to see things through a Christian lens.  By this I mean a viewpoint taken with ethical teachings by Christ and not necessarily a morphed and inclusive of teachings from the viewpoint of  denominational churches as in organized religion. 
     Which brings me to the point of reaping and sowing.   If one plants corn, one would not expect to reap peas. You would look for what you planted and nothing else.  In planting a garden various seeds could be planted and a mix would then spring forth.  And maybe some weeds would be mixed in as well.  Not to worry, they can be identified.  So as in nature a bee is a bee and a bear is a bear and a wolf is a wolf and nothing else can be determined from what it appears to be!  It has it's own characteristics and is differentiated by it's own nature and it is visible.
     Why then are we not?  What has become of us?  Why are we not satisfied with what we are?  Are we to be chameleons of the human race? Ever changing because we can?  I wonder. 
     Choice seems to be the biggest factor along with cultural norms that are being expressed in ever different ways.  Choice, the ever present factor with us from the beginning. And there was a beginning, a linear state of time we are hemmed in by it and it is like no other restrictive force that we face.  Our mortality.  And what do we do with our mortality?  We bend it, try to extend it, ignore it, and obsess over it. After all our minds seem to conjure up the infinite and we are finite.  So our choices mean everything to us, here in our democracy, we are free to expand and choose things we never could before. 
     Is this OK? Is this raising up new and ethical issues we have never encountered before?  I think so.  It causes us to examine our closely held beliefs of what is acceptable and also raises a new need to examine basic rights of ours and the ethical treatment of those we find different.  Undoubtedly it causes divisions. 
     We are indeed a complicated species.  Endowed with reason above and beyond that of the animal kingdom we have "subdued the Earth" and much more. 
     We conquer and change things, some good some I say not so good.  If then I have chosen to hold certain beliefs, then it is not for others to judge from the external the inward within me,  they cannot know for certain.  That is reserved as a Christian belief for (God alone).  But, we must as humans get along with one another, strive for the good of all, certainly reap some good things and expect good things to follow, (even if you hold atheistic or agnostic views) why harm one another?  Why sow dissent, division, and hold so fervently to beliefs that they become destructive? 
     I think with this new cultural changing we are now in and with nationalism and fascism on the rise we need to step back and realize the dangers ahead.  It is a sowing caused   from a discontent within and with that nature we can only reap the consequences.  Don't expect anything else.  Peace.

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