Sunday, March 31, 2013


     Seventy-two hours Jesus was unaccounted for or in his tomb with a great stone that blocked his escape. His escape? He was dead! The Romans had posted guard to make sure that no one would take the body that lay in this tomb.  A body that caused the whole Roman empire distress daily and the Political powers shaken over the preaching that this man had done. For the past three years a gathering of crowds came and heard and saw the works that he had done. To the Jews consternation nothing they could come up with would stop the man or his disciples from spreading this new doctrine. So they did the only thing they could... they killed him and hung him on a cross.  Roman Justice for making oneself a God above Caesar and Jewish justice because their law forbid killing without just cause.
     What of those 72 hours of Jesus's time out of the public eye? It is said or written that "he led captivity captive."  Who were those captives? And where were they and where were they led too?  Paul says in one of his letters that he first descended before he ascended.  That trip into Hell before being glorified was his chance to free the captive souls of many many generations held there without hope of ever being free.  To those who were in a place of torment Jesus suddenly appeared to bring a new hope they must have longed for but tormented in the knowledge they were bound by an authority greater than themselves.  What kind of blinding light suddenly appeared in a darkened world to break these bonds? The same kind of blinding light that transformed (Saul) a murderer on his way to give his consent to kill "the way."  The same kind of light that appeared at the transfiguration on the Mt. And the same kind of light that some say is at the end of a tunnel after one's death.  "Go towards the light is the saying." "Those who sat in darkness (gentiles) have seen a great light."
     And now those in Hell, Sheol, Abbaddon also have seen a great light.   Mary the first to behold the risen Jesus raced to spread the news that her messiah was alive!  Angels were present to announce this great news and the light that suddenly flooded into Mary's soul was carried on to the disciples. And the light like "lightening" made the keepers who watched the tomb "like dead men." This light has two purposes, conviction or salvation.
     Walking talking, eating and being seen of many, after death,Jesus fulfilled all prophecy about himself.                                

                                                                Forever Lord.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Proof of life

      Less than 12 hours from now I will be celebrating with many other Christians the fabulous fact that Jesus has risen.  2000 + years ago  Jesus did the impossible...rose from his grave and gave to all who would "have an ear" a testimony that will stand for all time that we are also free in him.  No longer held by the bonds of death...that last enemy of our soul, we are like him and will be with him when his kingdom comes and all things are under his rule.
     One of his own ( Thomas) was not with the other disciples and as a consequence did not behold the Lord as did the others.  So when news finally reached him...he paused and doubted the good news.  Jesus however knew what was in his heart and cut him off at the pass first.  He said, "Thrust your hand in my side, and see for your self that I am flesh and blood."  Being a prophet as well as Messiah he saw him under the fig tree on his way to the disciples. To which he asked Jesus, When did you see me? Jesus left nothing undone in his ministry he was complete, and so in that way he disarmed doubt and showed his great love even to Thomas...the doubter.  We must do the same each and every day.  We proclaim Christ crucified, and but much more...risen and Lord of our life.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Keeping your head in the game

     Ever since 9-11 there has been an increased intensity to our lives being lived. Anyone born after this period of time probably does not have a point of reference to pinpoint to how things were before this date in time.  We are ever faced with grim headlines from newspapers, t.v. and a constant barrage of 24/7 information available to us that reminds us that the world has changed and not for the better.  Terrorist's rise daily and commit horrendous acts against humanity all over the Middle East and now northern Africa that all but grab all of our emotions at once and put them in a grinder, forcing us either to weep at these events or harden ourselves and look away, insulating our selves instead.

     Paul had another way of looking at the world he lived in.  He also faced assaults and persecution to the very good work he was trying to do.  Faced with hunger, beatings, shipwrecks, etc., etc.  He exhorted the Philipians to think on things like....whatever is noble, right, pure, admirable, praiseworthy, and excellent. Finishing up with if you do these things.. the God of Peace will be with you.
     This is surely "keeping your head in the game."  To be able to have peace in ourselves is a blessing we must share with others.  Too many of us suffer the consequences of stress and anxiety produced by the madness of the events unfolding in our time.  We are forewarned by Christ that these tumultuous days would unfold and we would live in them.   Wars and rumors of war... but do not worry the time is not yet...these events will usher in another kingdom. One of everlasting joy from our God himself.  Meanwhile keep your head in the game...find  Christ.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Resisting temptation: Resisting this particular testing can be unique to the individual every single day.  As I pray in the mornings, I am especially sensitive to seek God for "what may be in store for me for this day that is to unfold."  Some days I am surprised to find that there are none to resist and other days I am seemingly drawn into battle on a moments notice.  Most of the time these are internal fights and so I know that God is working in me to resist giving into what is tempting me at the time.  Some times it is as simple as food!  Other times it is resisting other people's battles fought out in the open air of the day.  The pettiness of life it seems to me is greatly magnified by the number of people in our lives at any given moment.  Resisting therefore can be all the more difficult especially since God may have brought the situation to us for our own good. Testing the heart to get the dross out of it is what purifies us and gets us to begin to think and act like our Lord..