Saturday, March 30, 2013

Proof of life

      Less than 12 hours from now I will be celebrating with many other Christians the fabulous fact that Jesus has risen.  2000 + years ago  Jesus did the impossible...rose from his grave and gave to all who would "have an ear" a testimony that will stand for all time that we are also free in him.  No longer held by the bonds of death...that last enemy of our soul, we are like him and will be with him when his kingdom comes and all things are under his rule.
     One of his own ( Thomas) was not with the other disciples and as a consequence did not behold the Lord as did the others.  So when news finally reached him...he paused and doubted the good news.  Jesus however knew what was in his heart and cut him off at the pass first.  He said, "Thrust your hand in my side, and see for your self that I am flesh and blood."  Being a prophet as well as Messiah he saw him under the fig tree on his way to the disciples. To which he asked Jesus, When did you see me? Jesus left nothing undone in his ministry he was complete, and so in that way he disarmed doubt and showed his great love even to Thomas...the doubter.  We must do the same each and every day.  We proclaim Christ crucified, and but much more...risen and Lord of our life.

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