Friday, March 29, 2013

Keeping your head in the game

     Ever since 9-11 there has been an increased intensity to our lives being lived. Anyone born after this period of time probably does not have a point of reference to pinpoint to how things were before this date in time.  We are ever faced with grim headlines from newspapers, t.v. and a constant barrage of 24/7 information available to us that reminds us that the world has changed and not for the better.  Terrorist's rise daily and commit horrendous acts against humanity all over the Middle East and now northern Africa that all but grab all of our emotions at once and put them in a grinder, forcing us either to weep at these events or harden ourselves and look away, insulating our selves instead.

     Paul had another way of looking at the world he lived in.  He also faced assaults and persecution to the very good work he was trying to do.  Faced with hunger, beatings, shipwrecks, etc., etc.  He exhorted the Philipians to think on things like....whatever is noble, right, pure, admirable, praiseworthy, and excellent. Finishing up with if you do these things.. the God of Peace will be with you.
     This is surely "keeping your head in the game."  To be able to have peace in ourselves is a blessing we must share with others.  Too many of us suffer the consequences of stress and anxiety produced by the madness of the events unfolding in our time.  We are forewarned by Christ that these tumultuous days would unfold and we would live in them.   Wars and rumors of war... but do not worry the time is not yet...these events will usher in another kingdom. One of everlasting joy from our God himself.  Meanwhile keep your head in the game...find  Christ.


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